Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Running

It has been awhile since I have run in the morning snow. I had almost forgotten the feel of the flakes; the combined feel of their coldness against my body heat, suspending me mid air as I howl down the hill, soaked to my bones. I cut through the dirt roads, my own version of the African Jungle, mist hanging from tree branches; I suck in air, now closing the door to the world behind me. I am alone on this African Safari, other than the spider whom spins a web of protection around me, as a cool and steady calm now seeps into my brain. Harboring in the shadows, gray hand of sky reaching, infusing a sense of grace as I witness the cold unfolding of another day.  Inescapably theatrical, in precarious dance, sweat pulls my emotions into a melting on the ground. Soaking up sunshine as if it is something salaciously lewd I cling to. Sneakers hurriedly dance along.........heartaches fall to the ground.

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