Friday, January 10, 2014

Hot Marital Sex

 Why do we care so much about what other's think? Could the coming of age of the feminist movement have turned an entire female population into dauntingly boring sexual partners for our partners and husbands?  The complaint of being "utterly insulted" as a constant barrage of sexual exhortations are thrown at us in the form of sex shops, vibrators, oils, gels, creams, panties (made entirely of candy), condoms made with friction, heck, even the bowl of fruits and vegetables which sits on our kitchen counters for that matter might even be fair game.

Isn't being creative and fun in the bedroom in actuality an overextending of the already relationship you have in intimacy with your husband, or otherwise partner? Behind the bedroom door there is no such thing as misbehavior between two consenting adults. As I am a firm believer in monogamy, any act of sexual play only intensifies the intimacy in a relationship. In sex, there is no guilt ridden eye contact with your 1950's cultured mother, or the sister whom closes her legs at the mere mention of intercourse, or with the neighbor whom sees you as the pretty conservative girl next door. If windows do not line up in your neighborhood with the house next door, then prance around nude, even more so, if they do align up, prance around even more...the thrill of it is naughty.

Something is incredibly sexy in being "naughty," in crossing over to the path of shockingly forbidden. Dirty play is the best kind of play with a husband or wife, and knowing that your spouse will do anything that is asked of them, keeps the relationship alive, sparkly and fun...the intimacy of that is incredible. Your mother never has to know that you own a set of knee pads, a vibrator, a crotch less pair of panties, handcuffs, diamond studded leash, duct tape, pasties, or that you make a scheduled extra run to the grocery store once a week for that perfect banana or cucumber. (There are two reasons we grow fruits and vegetables in this country, although I will leave one reason up to your imagination) Ever wonder why all the 'GOOD' bananas are gone? Because your clean-cut neighbor's wife bought them all up...because she turns into a dirty girl every other Thursday night. (It is not because she makes extra delicious banana bread)

Think we all rose in the spirit of Good Catholic Girls, and in such rising, grew dormant and boring. Ever wonder why Halloween costumes can be bought online all year long? Yes girlfriends, it is because even though you are an accountant, secretary, Wall Street banker, or stay at home mom, you may want to be, shall we say, a "NURSE", a "French Maid” a "Parochial School Teacher" or a "Librarian"(yes, sorry to my Irish Catholic mom, but god will forgive me mom, I am all grown up now). It took me a long time to come out of the 'box', the conservative good girl box, but now wife-gone wild works for me.

 I think I can speak with a certain degree of certainty when I say that my husband and I have one of the best extremely passionate and intimate relationships with one another that a couple can have. We visit lingerie shops, sex shops, and even stroll through the fruits and vegetable aisle at the local supermarket together. 

We share, we trust, we respect, we precipitate each other's wants and needs. Neither one of us ever has to think about what we may be missing, because we are willing to try anything the other suggests. Think that growing up in such a vastly undernourished sexual atmosphere, and the full drawn lines in the sand of the Catholic Church has stunted a generation of woman, of wives, who just want the go - ahead, to give head, wear heels and a garter, impress their man in their ability with a vibrator, or offer up a jar of honey, a can of whip cream, a banana, an afternoon in an elevator, dinner served in only an apron (and heels), an interlude where you must bring your own set of handcuffs and blindfold.......

You are not your mother's daughter, now you are your husband's wife.........go for it girl.......let 2014 be the year you step out of your box, and into bedroom heels...armed and dangerous!  Let 2014 be the year you explore your sexual fantasies without thinking you are being judged!

Let 2014 be the year you take ownership of your womanhood, your right to feel sexy, feminine, unembarassed, and adored!
Go for it girl, send the kids to grandma's!

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