Nakedly bare, shedding skin
by the roadside. Feeling the heat of my animal rise to the occasion, on a cusp
of newly chilled dawn air. How unfortunate for those of you still cursed under
the slumber of night.
Harboring in the shadows, gray hand of sky reaching,
infusing a sense of grace as I witness the cold unfolding of another January
dawn. Inescapably theatrical, in precarious dance, sweat pulls my emotions
into a melting on ice of the ground. Soaking up sunshine as if it is something
salaciously lewd I cling to.
puddles of sweat spread out from each sneaker, as they hug themselves against
the cold of the pavement. My flesh now naked, my soul utterly defenseless, in
an almost skeptical sideways glance of pretentious thought, dripping wet, a
river surrenders to the contours of my body. Magnetic force pulls me toward an
embrace with the chill of silent morning air. Another morning run well executed!
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