The lace adorns the window; big, bold taupe pullbacks languish from gold cord opening the lace to the backyard view. Green moist grass, and weeping roses cross just beyond the patio, (except in winter, bbrrhhh) and then, a shutter from birds in flight. The sun has all but set a fire to my parsley, basil, and mint pots, (except, again,in winter, bbrrhhh) as the varied shades of green overflow from each pot, almost draping the floor of the brick patio.
Prodding my breasts into the delicate black lace camisole I have chosen, brandishing one last long look in the freestanding antique mirror, I sashay across my bedroom, and begin my day.........
I can smell the parsley and can almost, if I close my eyes tight enough, taste the basil set over mozzarella drizzled with the glass pitcher, mint leaves in cucumber water.........I know my senses are close to all these tastes and smells, if only just past the horrors of this remaining winter, and, as I close my eyes even tighter I can feel the tendril scent of my backyard roses as they catch my nose...... May and June, where are you? I hope you are not far behind.......
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