Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dirt Roads & Sneakers

Craving morning sunlight, as I step out onto the dirt road, arcs of warm rays caress my skin, closing my eyes in absorption of them. The clattering of birds breaks the overcast of silence, as their controlled hymn echoes everywhere. My run is hard, deep, seductive, convicted, as the pounding of my sneakers pronounces the hardened dirt and blackened pavement. 

I clutch my gloves so tightly they push back leaving indented ridges on my fingers. The birds only a whisper now, so faint I no longer hear them. Opening my shoulders, lengthening my back, my heels seductively penetrate the line of ligament now running up my calf. Perpetually harmonious as I submerge into the warmth of the sun, the toxic infusion of sunshine moving over me, through me, around me, bringing me into a season where I improve, deepen my thought, reach into the bottomless chasm of reserve where my most private dialogue spews from.

 Slinking dangerously close to actually believing that spring might just be here to stay this time. Sweat drips ever so liberating down my back as I cross up over the hill...my sneakers, muddy, like softened pieces of pottery clay......

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