Thursday, April 17, 2014


There aren't people who "can" yoga and people who "can't." Yoga just looks different on different bodies, but what is going on inside can be shared by all.
When I began my surgeries to repair my scalp (2005) 9 years ago, I woke up wrapped up like a mummy on a  hard and cold gurney, my body in more pain than I can think of words to describe.

In the dark unexplored places in my soul, mind, heart, blood, bones, muscle, and most yoga and running began again, I felt this inner call to a practice that I had known, and my life began to form again, from the inside to the out. Yoga had been my life before, and became my saving grace even more so afterwards. There are not people who "can" and people who "can't" in yoga, there are different poses and alignments that can accommodate us all.

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