Sun glinting on my shoulders, thin veil of cloud reaches down to poke at my undergrowth. Stained glass of the sky reaches the black and white marble of the pavement, backdrop for my sweat. Soft spot between my hips and navel releases on each step. Deer look on in awkwardness at my forbidden. The river of my blood coarsely pumping through each minuscule vein, sneakers delivering that all-inclusive potion sending endorphins of self derived opiate to my brain. Sprinkles of my salt languish on my tongue, as I lick the dew from my shoulder blade. Muffled silence of the trees slides along the edge of my jaw, framed in beads of perspiration. Walls of my lungs bend outward to contain my breath, settling to a steady sway from a quiet breeze blowing against my upper lip. My sneakers skip a beat.....
I hope you think of me every time you feel air brush up against your skin, that moment of denial when you think I have gone, that it did not matter, because it did matter, it will always matter.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
breath / shadows / unmasking / running
Sun glinting on my shoulders, thin veil of cloud reaches down to poke at my undergrowth. Stained glass of the sky reaches the black and white marble of the pavement, backdrop for my sweat. Soft spot between my hips and navel releases on each step. Deer look on in awkwardness at my forbidden. The river of my blood coarsely pumping through each minuscule vein, sneakers delivering that all-inclusive potion sending endorphins of self derived opiate to my brain. Sprinkles of my salt languish on my tongue, as I lick the dew from my shoulder blade. Muffled silence of the trees slides along the edge of my jaw, framed in beads of perspiration. Walls of my lungs bend outward to contain my breath, settling to a steady sway from a quiet breeze blowing against my upper lip. My sneakers skip a beat.....
Friday, May 30, 2014
renderings /
I’ve been here
all the while,
cried your
laughed your
my nakedness
dropped to the
like nickels
and dimes
Thursday, May 29, 2014
sneakers / seductive / sensual
Suspenseful interlude of silence, my features delicate against the mist of
rain, as each drop sketches across my cheek. The rain, an integral part of
this morning, pelting force knocking my breath back down. The force on
my flesh, exasperatingly sensual, as my flesh hums beneath its touch.
Puddles beneath my feet, left with the afflicted vapor streams from my
mouth. My breasts as sea sponges soak up the overhanging humidity,
filtered down through the overlapping of trees, green cypress coats of
color penetrate directly through me, above me, all around me. Colluding in a seductive sway with the trees, rising and falling with
the breeze on my cheeks, adrenaline feeding in a frenzy throughout my
flesh. My body submissive...
in awe... resurrected!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
memories / black and blue
Pushed to a wall, pinned down, unable to restrain.
A mysterious bird will fly.
Dancing on the intersection of arrogance and wisdom.
Strong, both in will and body.
Bringing to the surface,
the potency of memory....
Inked on a page,
you will always be,
the black and the blue of me........................................................................a magnifying glass memory
A mysterious bird will fly.
Dancing on the intersection of arrogance and wisdom.
Strong, both in will and body.
Bringing to the surface,
the potency of memory....
Inked on a page,
you will always be,
the black and the blue of me........................................................................a magnifying glass memory
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
sweat / hypnotic/ sneakers / running
sight of the ground disappearing beneath my feet, as the hurried sensation of
the world’s humming enters the chamber of my heart. Hugging the air just a bit
pretentiously as my flesh is conscripted into the flimsiest notion of a steamy
shower, in romanticized illusion of my sweat. Lips dry, stubbornly passive in
response to the outpouring of my pores in the humid spring air spilling out in
waves down my cheek. Tendril of my own scent catches me off guard. A hint
of taunting from the trees motivates my sneakers in the moment, leaving a
shadow of leaf tattoos imprinted on my flesh. A drip nestles in the gully
between my breasts, as the sheer glistening of sweat takes refuge.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
editing / emotions / life wounds
Dear Younger Version of Me,
I forgive you. Darn-it, sometimes I really wish you hadn't started me on certain paths that I am still trying to rid myself of. I realize now that you did that because of ____________and____________ and though that was really f***** up, I have compassion for you now. I do not see you as broken or wrong, just human. I love your humanity, I cherish your imperfections, and I want to accept you fully, so that I can feel like a whole person, rather than this self with a shadow I'm trying to shake. Currently, I am a little afraid of you. I've worked hard not to let the choices you made back then dictate the rest of my life.
I guess there comes a point in our lives when we realize that everything we own, every emotion we hold close, tells our story. There maybe sometimes comes yet another moment when we can’t look at all of our stuff (emotions included) without feeling all of our yesterdays puddle and threaten... to flood if we dare look down. For me, I have tried not to look down the best that I can, but my eyes seem to still sneak peeks downward at times.
I’m packing up my emotions again, putting them into the box I bought to store them in, in the back of my closet, and I’m struggling with all of them. I’ve too many emotions held onto, for way too long, and too big a tale to tell and some very sad chapters that I don’t want to remember, and yet, can't seem to forget. Which emotions do we hold on to, and which ones just dig deeper into our wounds?
........ a trail of footprints behind me........
I forgive you. Darn-it, sometimes I really wish you hadn't started me on certain paths that I am still trying to rid myself of. I realize now that you did that because of ____________and____________ and though that was really f***** up, I have compassion for you now. I do not see you as broken or wrong, just human. I love your humanity, I cherish your imperfections, and I want to accept you fully, so that I can feel like a whole person, rather than this self with a shadow I'm trying to shake. Currently, I am a little afraid of you. I've worked hard not to let the choices you made back then dictate the rest of my life.
I guess there comes a point in our lives when we realize that everything we own, every emotion we hold close, tells our story. There maybe sometimes comes yet another moment when we can’t look at all of our stuff (emotions included) without feeling all of our yesterdays puddle and threaten... to flood if we dare look down. For me, I have tried not to look down the best that I can, but my eyes seem to still sneak peeks downward at times.
I’m packing up my emotions again, putting them into the box I bought to store them in, in the back of my closet, and I’m struggling with all of them. I’ve too many emotions held onto, for way too long, and too big a tale to tell and some very sad chapters that I don’t want to remember, and yet, can't seem to forget. Which emotions do we hold on to, and which ones just dig deeper into our wounds?
........ a trail of footprints behind me........
Saturday, May 24, 2014
euphoria / flesh /medicinal cleansing / sneakers
Sweat , a sort of medicinal cleansing, a red antiseptic poured over
wounds. The morning light is shady. Humidity and desire an inside - out
tangle on my flesh. I swallow dry, as my pores drip. I know to keep
moving, if I stop, I'll wake from all this euphoria. The drone of air dissolves in the gentle splashing of water that
cascades down my flesh. My sophisticated drip by drip irrigation system
efficiently delivering water to all of my roots, as the leftover spills from my
pores. My feet meander the path, as sullen dark clouds burst into sun formation off in
the distance.
Friday, May 23, 2014
What the F*** is this blog about ? ( well,let me tell you)
![]() |
just because, it looks so delicate and pretty! |

Yes, this is another one of those blogs that chronicles a life, apparently, "my life" as a women, as a married women whom was living within a marriage of twenty - five years, riddled (yes, I finally let the cat out of the proverbial bag) with domestic violence "issues", to living on my own, to feeling sorry for this man (mostly pity, and the fact that he was / is my children's father), to feeling even more sorry for me, to getting divorced (finally),
to healing (I think that on most days anyway), to meeting someone new, to trusting someone new (enough to marry him June 2013), to dealing with the issues of combined families (on both sides our children are all grown, but,you would not think so, with some of their petty behavior towards us), to being madly in - love (finally), to tears, to meltdowns, to smiles,
to my bad days, to my good days, my daily running, my eternal yoga practice, my sad description of what was my childhood, my insane dysfunctional bloodline family, and how none of us really like each other enough to be involved in each other's lives (I blame my parents equally for that one), to how I hate the snow, the cold, and the winter,
to how I love the sunshine and warmth of summer, to fears, to offsets, to an accident that knocked the bee - jee - bees out of me for a good three years a few years back (still feeling the audacity of that one), to life's everyday blunders and bullshit, to hot marital sex (oh yes, do not seem so shocked, if you are truly paired and trusting with each other, the intimacy can be amazing), to finally finding my many new beginnings.......
YUP, this is a blog about ALL OF THAT......turns out, life can really FUCK with you, and not many of us survive.......the F - BOMB is so very out of character for me, but, sometimes, there is just no other way of getting the message across! (the F - BOMB , so deliberate and pronounced)
Thursday, May 22, 2014
upper lip / strength / sneakers / running
My ex - husband is far worse for my health than
high fructose corn syrup could ever be. I concluded this, this past Sunday
while at Columbia University attending my daughter's (the same daughter that is
also his daughter) graduation from her Master's Program. The words "ARROGANT
ASSHOLE" do not even give him justice, sweat beading on my forehead
and upper lip as I peered the grumbling in his eyes, and the Marlboro haze
filtering from his mouth. When we look back over our lives, and OUR past
mistakes, hard to believe that we all were once so stupid and naive as to
expect (and further insist) that life would be kind to us.
There is not a moment in time that I question why I
left this man, or that if I had to do it all over again, I would leave him
sooner and with a quickened stride, not a meandering lacking confidence stride,
saying I'm sorry I really tried all the way out the door.........some how
weeping, expecting some different ending version of the fairy tale. No, it
sucked, and it sucked big-time...there is just no getting around the muckiness
of the situation.
There is just no nice way, or good housekeeping version, to state it
otherwise. Meeting up at events and dealing with your nasty ex - husband, who
has a chip the size of Mount Everest still on his shoulder, is, well, not very
pleasant a way to spend a Sunday afternoon...and this is why I have run
countless miles this past week, running away from the place he crushes inside
of me, every time he is close enough...Feeling the mud on my shin, letting it
imprint on my flesh, warm and demanding as its murkiness fills my senses. Stone
lined garden spaces gracing the space between my hipbones, as the tiniest veil
of vines drips down my leg. Sweat draping from my brow, precipitous drop of
despair, feeling the strain in the deepest of places...
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
portrait / clutter
Sadness is one of, if
the most, authentic of human emotions, from it artists create works of
in poetry, in song, in dance, in writing. Sadness can be seen so clearly
one’s eyes. Sadness is the strum of a chord of music for most artists.
It propels
the emotion we create from. It may very well be, that the unearthing of
it from
between my bed sheets is why I am able to authenticate it as well as I
do. I often thought before I began my blog
what it would look like. Turns out, now that I am way past the beginning
of it, it
has shaped up to be a menagerie of sorts, poetry, idle chatter, short
sadness, hunger, tragedy, loss, love, sensuality and seduction. It has
the portrait of who I am.
Different violins we all life is like looking through a prism, and the varied angles of color are different through each of our set of eyes.
It is all the lives of me rolled into one.
if I would have ever have gotten this far in the writing if it had not
been for
the invention of the internet. It allowed me to dribble out words of
from the claustrophobic environment I had stored them all in, to free up
for, well, you guessed it, more words.
My city day yesterday
comprised of Union Square. It was the unearthing of apathy, cutting
across all
lines of economics. It wore itself in dread locks, cigarettes, torn
dirty feet, oversized army green backpacks, and wasting of lives. This
made me think about how different we all look at life. Some of us look
at it;
take it on, with courage, and others with indifference, apathy. Apathy
hot and grimy yesterday in Union Square.
out, apathy, has quite a bite to it!Different violins we all life is like looking through a prism, and the varied angles of color are different through each of our set of eyes.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
morning dew / roses / sneakers / spine
Clustering diamonds of breath precede me. Thanking my feet for the miles
they have tread, and the profusion of sweat now frozen in time. Closing
eyes to see, sun on my back, as legs draw closer to conclusion, clearing
cobwebs along my path. Spine surging forth from the anchor of my legs, pulling so far back into
my body that I do not know who I am, my breath, the thread now weaving through my mind and soul.
just because, I favor morning dew and roses! |
Monday, May 19, 2014
We give our children everything, including the power to break our hearts....and then they do....
No words today beyond that!
No words today beyond that!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
laces / sneakers / obsession
In a language I
did not yet know how to speak,
In bitter frost,
Until my
tears ached from my pores,
Until the ocean refused
to stop kissing the shoreline,
In wisdom
of silence,
And loudness of
passion on the verge of an obsession,
thinking out, then placing down,
thought before my temple of self,
My jigsaw
puzzle pieces of my life,
I stood
and watched,
As your
hand waved goodbye.
the innocence turned to tragedy,
And the drama of
the production became unpredictable,
As I lent
you my soft corners,
And you
sharpened them to hardened edges,
I kept seeing,
Your hand wave goodbye
kept lacing up my sneakers,
the miles would foregive the pain of you
on to solitude in blissful surrender
With eyes
unfiltered, how could you ever expect me to just forget?
The teeth of
your words chewed through my ribcage, the trembling trench of my hands, as
I, once again, laced up my sneakers, in order to forget....adrenaline coursing through my veins, always my drug of choice, to mitigate the memories, and the pain.......
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
breath / sneakers / intoxication
Breath unzips from the center of my chest, as the pulsating of my heart presses outward from my innermost flesh. Sacrificing thought to adrenaline rushed stupor, as the intoxication of the drug seeps further into my sneakers. Shadow covers day, as high clouds foretell of punishing rain. My arms and shoulders shake with a shudder, a moment of construction as muscles tighten and spread throughout my body, unmasking of self throughout,
mile after mile..
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
summer / seasalt / air
never has been my season of color; it has always been my reason to cover, my
season of waiting, for.
Spring has
always been, my season of hope, my season of entry, back in.
Summer has
always been my rhythm and reason, my season of budding, my growing...
appearing out of nowhere suddenly licking at me in startling embrace, stripping
daringly; flinging myself into the sea. Breathing in worshipful gulps of sea
air as salt spray caresses the pinks of my cheeks. Like the tide, I surrender
again and again, as my writing sets me alive on the shores of distant places.
One day in Paris, next in Rome, next standing curbside in New York City, and
finally, today, on the outlay of a beach watching a horseshoe crab battle
amongst the seaweed. Awaiting the heat of, yet, another summer.
When I have finally succumb to parts of my life once shrouded in taboo, I
become imposingly bare in being able to change everything in my present, as
truth stares back hard in the coarseness of sea salt touching my delicate face,
the heat of summer sun washing over me.
come tumbling in, and that is when, I remember, how and why I am here. Summer,
will always be, for me, my reason of roses in bloom !
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
bones / torment / moments
Somewhere in some unsuspecting crevice of my bones the torment of the night does still matter, the defining moment when morning awaits, and once again, I learn how to breathe. A brief flow of sound from which releases an occasional drop of sweat. Forever hitched to an elsewhere, another time and place, each glide of my sneaker goes on forever, as flesh opens upon the dawn. Branches in angriest of twisted torment encroach my path. No reason to stay, no reason to go further, flesh feeling so unfettered, flirting recklessly as sneakers glide and dance along the sheen of the pavement. Feeling the top ridge of humid air grab hold of the inside of my exposed thigh, the oil from my skin running like an ocean of light down my leg, and there it remains... Another five miles, notched into my waistband.......
Monday, May 12, 2014
sunset / riverfront / Hudson River
hanging on wet breath, still holding my future
in my back pocket. I am finding the air has a predictable chaos to it today, as spring has finally sprung, and both bare legs and warmth of the sun now await me... how very tintalizing is the episode of life this Monday morning, as I look back in rear view vision at the sunset over the Hudson River of last evening.
The perfected riverfront in Cold Spring Ny.....peaceful, solemn, serene....
The perfected riverfront in Cold Spring Ny.....peaceful, solemn, serene....
Sunday, May 11, 2014
A Woman’s Reprieve
I often write of experiences in both fiction and
non - fiction, describing the icy landscape and then the thawing of a human - being over time. Of one's abandonment, frozen enough that one has had to stand
alone, next to the stove to thaw before undressing, falling into frigid waters,
almost freezing to death. Writing so close to the bone, I am almost skinless as the keyboard clicks away at rapid speed............Happy Mother's Day !
Saturday, May 10, 2014
sounds / wings / faintness
Lushness of early morning silence echoes from each rose petal.
Succulent beads of dew hang suspended above each thorn. The scent of
heat so thick it latches onto my breath, as my sneakers peer out from the black frame of pavement. Heat, as an antique paisley shawl, wrapped within me so
tight, it cuts off my breath. I slide my sneakers along the pavement, and speak in whispers to the
birds, as they drink on the nectar of honeybees ....taking a larger breath, falling one step backward into the
camouflage of the foliage........
Friday, May 9, 2014
untamed / dirty water
*Have you ever waited by the side of the road for cars to drive by and splash dirty gutter water on you like a tidal wave? dirty water soaked into your shoes, your toes, cold, wet, spasms untamed, the earth pressed up against your heels...have you ever?
When I don't know what to say, I say nothing,
close my eyelids with my fingerttips.
My throat, stifled with nameless emotion.
It was dark, it was sunrise, you were my fairytale
Here I now stand, living in the everything after......
Thursday, May 8, 2014
run / seclusion / serenity
Sometimes wanting to do everything. Run beyond every hill. Investigate every bend in the road. Other times, simply wanting to slow down, relax, allowing the sun to pamper my spirit. Enjoying the massage of sun beams on my shoulders. From the inside of my reflection pool, to the edge of the world, I unwind in naked seclusion.....thus, I run!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
unspoken truths
Warning, this is a heavy post. There are
some deep and personal things I have been sorting out lately and I feel that my
best writing comes when I share the hardest and scariest things. In an effort
to challenge myself as a writer, I almost always share the inside, the raw, and the
tumultuous emotions I have been wading through. On the bright side of this, a
light at the end of a weighty that maybe you will celebrate with me
in having admitted and dealt with some things (of your own) that I've long been confused and
afraid of.
have always been a little nervous that I wasn't a good enough mother. I wanted so desperately to be more than what my parents had been. Fact. I
knew I was doing my best, but I felt like it was never going to be close to
what my children felt they needed and deserved. I frequently worried about this on a daily basis, and, still do at times. I would try to remind myself that it's all about love
and that I have overflowing for my children, but still this fear didn't ease, or ever go far away enough from my core.
much trepidation I have been wondering and recounting many things in my past
and realize the conditioning and message I have had in my life about that I
chose to believe. Somewhere along the line I believed a lie, I accepted the lie
that I was not "good enough". From that point on even when people weren't saying
that, I perceived that. I know it happened long, long ago, and some people may
read this and be offended, however I am placing no blame.
(or, maybe I am, just a little) Life happens and people make mistakes, it's all about how we recover from those.
(or, maybe I am, just a little) Life happens and people make mistakes, it's all about how we recover from those.
I didn't recover for a long time; in fact I went through very
painful phases where I allowed that fear to literally run my life. For a short
period of time I almost stopped breathing entirely, One day I noticed that even
my eyes seemed lifeless and that is when I sought help. From there the fear
took over other areas of my life. My whole marriage was spent trying to be the
wife I was "supposed" to be, to a husband who was going to show
aggression and violence in his words and his physical to me anyway, no matter how
I tried. He never liked himself very much, and, apparently, I was going to simply be collateral damage
amongst it all. I never felt good enough. I think now, love me anyway, or
don't. All the things I tried to change for others only made me hollow and
loath the uncomfortable of myself even more. That is where life began to blur buckle and sway to the left, and needed much clarity.
inside I found that I was stronger than I had known, that I knew things about
myself that I had pushed down, and that being honest and real is the only way
to live free and at peace. Lies I had believed gripped my life and held me back
from truly loving everything, because all my time was spent worrying. Being the
one to stand alone to do what I know I must do is part of why I am here and why
I am okay to be an individual. On the path of conforming to everyone else's
ideas of who I should be, I was headed in a very scary direction.
Grow your own way with grace and strength. Our childhood is never far behind us, no matter how much we try to hide from it.
Grow your own way with grace and strength. Our childhood is never far behind us, no matter how much we try to hide from it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
should have/ would have/ could have
Eyes downcast in subtle
gentle movement, theatrically paused, pondering, tottering on my high
heels, leafless trees give way to feng shui surroundings. The churning of the
train fills my ears with loudest roar. Stepping from the platform,
crossing through the doors, a poignant silence which seems to last
forever. A woman starring out the window, in a far away dismal look,
then the gushing of her streams of tears. I cannot make the words, so I
offer her a tissue to wipe the darkened rings of mascara dripping down
her cheek, in a need to abolish them to the nearest graveyard. The doors
once again open, commuters in eager rush to get on with their day,
their work, and their ornate lives.
I think about the
woman later on in my day, the mournful face of her tears, I should have
asked her, was it death, or a love affair now over? I should have asked
her, should have comforted her, and should have offered her something
for her fragility, her tiredness, and her pain. Should have told her,
that this too shall pass. The salt of her tears rest in the unhurried
questions that still linger through my thoughts.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
naked/ nude
Against all good and reasonable judgment,
life happens, to all of us.
It is what it is folks....and writing is just that, a portrayal of all you know and all you see, then navigating that dark area in - between to unearth a deeper sense of clarity of it all.
Naked is to be oneself, nude is to be seen by others. Naked is always the self - portrait! is not you whom is crazy and tilted, but in fact, it is the rest of the world.
It is what it is folks....and writing is just that, a portrayal of all you know and all you see, then navigating that dark area in - between to unearth a deeper sense of clarity of it all.
Naked is to be oneself, nude is to be seen by others. Naked is always the self - portrait! is not you whom is crazy and tilted, but in fact, it is the rest of the world.
Friday, May 2, 2014
life / purpose
I pulled from the colors, the aged smell of the
frames, the ripped corners of worn photographs. I smelled the paper, the
processed ink of digital photos. My arms weren't long enough to reach
beyond the concrete wall, the one that held my blindness, choked me
every time I attempted to stand up on my own.
The flight of how I went from there to here
still baffles me, strips me of my breath, as I admit how close I was up.
What one can decipher from the nude canvas of my face, is beauty,
sudden sadness, gratitude, pain, forbearance, solitude, destiny,
awkwardness, calm, panic, love, loss, strength, weakness, emptiness,
fulfillment, passion, empathy, discernment. What one can see are the
aches of life worn on my sleeve, as my fingers run themselves along the
rim of my coffee cup, thoughts glowing through the early darkness of
dawn, poignant, sharp, and repetitive.
Turning the page, getting on with
life, as my words pull together in paragraphs, strength narrates the
darkest corners making them less intrusive, less harsh. Softness of sun
now breaking through on my doorstep..
Never, ever, give up. Life has purpose, go out and find it!
Never, ever, give up. Life has purpose, go out and find it!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
sneakers / face / photograph

She woke early,
creeping down the stairs, out the door, lost as to where she was.
Surrendering herself completely to the arms of the rain. Feeling the
soft sensation of each drop enveloping each separate individual thought.
Following the murmur of each voice, each step, following the scent of
lavender out to the garden.
Something in the Garden
of Eden that drew her out, drew her further in, as if the garden could
read her despair, read the grief within her, reading every word of life
on the delicate form of her cheek. The ignorance of the truth became her
face, the face of a photograph frozen in time, the solemnity of
something stained in her eyes.
The last trace of a
broken being, a shy smile, the impossible direction of a world pressing
in, rested on the bare iron bench of her escape. Wanting to lie down,
fall asleep, if only for a short while.
But her sneakers kept her going..
As I catch
myself falling, without dwelling, I reinvent myself. Shelf that other
person, spiritually connect under the shower after a long hard run as the warmth of the water
runs across my body. No longer feeling the need to save everything from
washing down the drain......mesmerized, on long dirt roads, and blackened pavement.
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