Wednesday, May 21, 2014

portrait / clutter

Sadness is one of, if not the most, authentic of human emotions, from it artists create works of beauty, in poetry, in song, in dance, in writing. Sadness can be seen so clearly in one’s eyes. Sadness is the strum of a chord of music for most artists. It propels the emotion we create from. It may very well be, that the unearthing of it from between my bed sheets is why I am able to authenticate it as well as I do.  I often thought before I began my blog what it would look like. Turns out, now that I am way past the beginning of it, it has shaped up to be a menagerie of sorts, poetry, idle chatter, short stories, sadness, hunger, tragedy, loss, love, sensuality and seduction. It has become the portrait of who I am. 
It is all the lives of me rolled into one. Wondering if I would have ever have gotten this far in the writing if it had not been for the invention of the internet. It allowed me to dribble out words of emotion, from the claustrophobic environment I had stored them all in, to free up space, for, well, you guessed it, more words.

My city day yesterday was comprised of Union Square. It was the unearthing of apathy, cutting across all lines of economics. It wore itself in dread locks, cigarettes, torn clothing, dirty feet, oversized army green backpacks, and wasting of lives. This apathy made me think about how different we all look at life. Some of us look at it; take it on, with courage, and others with indifference, apathy. Apathy looked hot and grimy yesterday in Union Square.
                       Turns out, apathy, has quite a bite to it!
 Different violins we all life is like looking through a prism, and the varied angles of color are different through each of our set of eyes.

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