Tuesday, June 17, 2014

tea/ graphics/ domestic violence/ tears

pictures of progression in putting togetehr the tea & graphics  boutique
Gripping my red pen, trying to gain ground, I begin again to edit line by line the unpleasant memories, the affectionate irony of my red pen and my life. Life presents with no edits, no red pen to eradicate the bad parts. Trees hang in a cover of humidity making them look more withered than they really are today. Every part of me is clenching up as I peer those darn woodpeckers clinging to the bark of the tree already this morning, each one harnessing a memory I thought had been put in the coffin of my past life. Whenever this devil of sort’s grabs hold of my inners, I type away feverishly, heat fluttering in my cheeks. The typing stops the rising panic within me, and the appalling need to just sink further down into it. As if I were a prisoner of this despondent swamp, every so often, YOU creep back in, the thought of you is what crushes the most...domestic violence is so misunderstood...the internal scars have a way of swelling, just when you think you have put them all to rest. As I step towards my yoga mat, a small pool of still moonlight spills across the floor, as I have even outpaced the breaking of dawn this morning. This is what happens when flood gates open up, and memories flow in, and you toss and turn, until, finally, you just get up to begin the day...

Lost in a moment
Right in the center of the teardrop
Where the wet of you clings to my eyelash
I blink
Just to hold back the river...

Going to do more work in the boutique to get it ready for opening day

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