Friday, September 5, 2014

life waters/ meditation/ yoga

How do we circumvent through the worst parts of life? The days we can barely breath without feeling a tidal wave of despair come over us. How do we move past what hurts, to reclaim enough earth beneath our feet, so that we are again, able to stand? How do we love, when the forgiving still has not surfaced from our soul? The days that the red sea parts, and swallows us whole, is that not the day that we find oneself, reinvent our path, and dare to have anyone cross in front of us? 

Why is acceptance the hardest word of all to grasp the definition of? Is our fate our own? Or has it been left to some mystical god none of us believe in? How do we get past the pain enough not to allow it to pull us into the mud? How do we let go? How do we learn all over again, what we never meant to forget?

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