Friday, December 13, 2013

Grief Love & Life, (and The Holiday Season)

Grief, Love, and Life !
 So, here we go again. The Holiday Season is upon us. Depending upon who you are, this either means a great deal or almost nothing at all. This year, I hope you all feel loved beyond belief and that you live with a sense of joy throughout the entire year. I hope you all get past old familiar haunts the minute you once again let yourself feel. I hope this for all of you, as well as for myself. As far as thieves go, grief is the greatest one. She robs us of the people we love, but—perhaps most achingly—she zaps our ability to imagine the future. Lose a place, a person, or a love and, suddenly, measurements of time become irrelevant. Grief warps time; she renders our plans for next week and dreams for the next vacation incongruous. When we mourn our losses we also mourn, for better or for worse, ourselves. As we were. As we are no longer. As we will one day not be at all.
 Imagining the future is an act of boldness. The wishful imagination of a future with being alive: a wanting, a living, an expectation of something more.
 My discontent with grief comes from its blocking my boundless want. By drawing strict lines between my living and those whom I have lost, grief casts the world in harsh light. She makes it impossible to believe in forever. Instead, she injects a heinous pragmatism into sentiments that would rather be unadulterated by it. My only antidote to that has been to love – the kind of love that floods every crack and fills the vacuum of loss with the promise of togetherness. Feeling something strong enough to carve into a brick, with all the world serving as your witness. The triumph of love over loss, of affection over grief, of dreaming over pain. I am going to breath deep, even after my daily yoga session has ended. Give myself a little grace when I inevitably fall short.

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