Sunday, June 15, 2014

confessions / sunday / love

Sunday’s Confession:
I have drawn much criticism and have felt abandoned by some who once promised they would always be there for me, yet I learned my own strength, my drive. My need to always want warm weather, bottles of perfume, music floating from every room, and the safeness of that one person to call my own, and snuggle up to, separates me from the norm. It leaves the indelible line drawn in the sand, with myself on one side, and everyone else on the other.  I believe in falling in love...I believed it at fifteen, as I still believe it at 52. I tend to find myself, once again, explaining my beliefs, my notations on what my life should be, and, exactly what it should be rid of, once and for all. It is the ‘once and for all” I still struggle with, as small bothersome thoughts creep in from around some crazy little corner of my mind. I think brokenness still bleeds a bit, even when we think we have gotten past the haunt of it. This is the reason nature grows roses, perfect and beautiful.... so that once again, we can begin to believe in the good of it all. This is why they fill my gardens, to teach me to once again believe in something, in someone....go out and find what you believe in, the things that make you smile past the pain, of something, or someone, of a moment in time you wish you could simply forget....

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