Tuesday, June 3, 2014

run / sneakers / beginnings

Ran so fast this morning, like I was saving myself from a live grenade, running to the banks of the river, just to skip rocks across the water. A few rocks later, I turned, and ran back up the hill, and home. Waiting for me, scattered all over the floor of my office, were the pages of "Life Changes". When everyone thinks you are dead, is that when you start life all over again, is that when you begin to navigate the territory again between your heart and your head ? If it indeed is, then that is the spot where I am at today. That is the spot I will write from today. I am standing at the edge of an end, all new beginnings start with an end. An end of something, of somewhere, of somehow, of someone, truth is, things are not always as they seem, or always the way you want them to be, and that is when an end turns to a beginning, finally bringing me back to the conclusion that ends are more often than not, good things. Sometimes I believe being at the end of everything may just be the freshest new beginning, at least, for me a new beginning is always a closure of something else. Pretty amazing when everything you thought you knew and understood now suddenly defies everything with a much needed amount of certainty. It is the same sensation felt when your world is turned upside down, and you flick on the light switch, just to be able to see, to turn it all right side up again. That is the point I am at today, the "life changes" point, the flicking on of the light switch point (Aha moments are often so much more difficult to see in the dark, one day I will finally get to that realization, maybe next time, way before the moments begin to haunt at my sneakers, and my feet cry out for blistering mercy...running is good thing, beets the ja - be - jeezes out of many of the other options one might choose to conquer his or her life )

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