Friday, June 27, 2014

yoga / moon / chocolate

Suddenly, from the muddled mayhem of my mind, words begin whispering to me from the walls. I pluck them out, place them down, and gain ground.......

thoughts...pressed like ice cubes against my lips, when they are too naive to come to conclusion, they evaporate, like a glass of water in desert's heat, like bourbon on Hemingway's desk, like the undoing of burdens held in my yoga mat in silent temperment on the living room defines me, when nothing else will do.
The first time I realized that just because I was sucking in air each day, make no mistake, does not mean I was, or ever was, living, it just means I was never on a ventilator, or that someone had ever reached over and pulled the plug. Looking back over life, just before you shed your skin, in acknowledgemnet that it is not you whom is crazy and tilted, but, in fact, it is tthe entire rest of the world.....yes, just before that, eat the entire bar of dark chocolate in a congratulatory moment of having traveled to the dark side of the moon, and made it safely back!

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