I hope you think of me every time you feel air brush up against your skin, that moment of denial when you think I have gone, that it did not matter, because it did matter, it will always matter.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
tragedy / secrets / caffeine
I now know the
chord that has always fed me, has always been, just my own, strangled, was I,
with the chord that you had wrapped around me, the one I had to untangle, the
secrets you kept in your chamber tied up like knots. I was killed by a single
bullet, it only took you one shot, as I lay in the field, breathing in the
smell of grass, still, silent, as I wanted you to know, the war was over, that
I could now sleep. The one shot, your final last bullet, missed me...it landed
in the field far away from where I lay. I had no idea how to erase what I never
meant to remember, the chord of your love, that in the end, wrapped around my
neck, my tragedies wore, not on my heart, or on my sleeve, but on my ribcage
where they remain pressed to my bone. I had no idea the final puddle of letting
go would leave me, this wet. The chord that now feeds me, is finally my own.
The end of a chapter in my life...maybe, one day, I'll learn how not to
remember. I'll learn how to finally forget.
I watch as my fingers play with the rim of my coffee cup. I feel the hardness of the brew on my lips, the wet grace of peace and pain sitting in the residual grinds of the pot. Sipping in silence, the sun not yet shifting up from behind the moon, as light dances across the room. Caffeine rises and rests on the roof of my mouth, afraid if I stop sipping, the world will intrude and step in.......thoughts magnify in the quietness, the tiny random details hit me the hardest, the ones kept nestled tightly to my breast which I still cannot release from.....
Saturday, June 28, 2014
sneakers/ challenges / acceptance / meditation
convinced of the undo randomness of this my life, your life, everyone's life.
His sneakers, her sneakers, my sneakers, whomever wears that set of sneakers,
guiding us with some eternal faith. At best taking on a needed diversion
(such as this long run) to lie out all of the opposing questions, thus hoping
in the end they all suit up to a grander set of answers.
I often challenge my
sneakers to find something I am searching for, as streams of sweat methodically
emerge from the internal organs of my own body. I do not need to understand the
meaning of life any deeper than this, to know, that, well, on some days, the searching
and finding does take a bit longer. The challenge of, and then the hopefulness
of, all of that, I leave up to my sneakers, and the invisible (call it faith if
you will) set of sneakers which chooses to run beside me on any given day.
think, acceptance, becomes a stunning miracle all of us, at one point or
another, do the devil's dance with. For me, I dance that dance out here on the
running trails, feeling the heat of the sun on my bare arms, sweat against my
legs, and the cry of mutant birds off in the distance.
Friday, June 27, 2014
yoga / moon / chocolate
Suddenly, from the muddled mayhem
of my mind, words begin whispering to me from the walls. I pluck them out,
place them down, and gain ground.......
thoughts...pressed like ice cubes
against my lips, when they are too naive to come to conclusion, they evaporate,
like a glass of water in desert's heat, like bourbon on Hemingway's desk, like
the undoing of burdens held in my bones....my yoga mat in silent temperment on
the living room floor.....it defines me, when nothing else will do.
The first time I realized that
just because I was sucking in air each day, make no mistake, does not mean I
was, or ever was, living, it just means I was never on a ventilator, or that
someone had ever reached over and pulled the plug. Looking back over life, just
before you shed your skin, in acknowledgemnet that it is not you whom is crazy
and tilted, but, in fact, it is tthe entire rest of the world.....yes, just
before that, eat the entire bar of dark chocolate in a congratulatory moment of
having traveled to the dark side of the moon, and made it safely back!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
quilt / abandonement / running / meditate
Making my way slowly to the door,
then descending outside of it, into the ruins of rain. Why I did not have the incurable
sense to run over the puddle, rather than right through the puddle, is a
question that will pester throughout all of my needs today. The blissful
freedom of my sneakers vanishes amid a puddle so deep, so wet, and so dreary,
that my feet are now afloat in it's soaking misery. The incessant roar of the thunderous rain chasing after me, encouraging my upward awkward stride. I think about the
randomness of the raindrop now dripping down the smoothness of my skin, the
taste of yet another summer, soon to touch my tongue.
Air warm and humid as it plays on my shoulder, guilt abandoned, photographs left, a slight breeze blowing over the curved frame of my face, my mellifluous smile. Branching off like spider veins, the nearest hints of lines of poetry, as I step off the path, brushing the overgrown weeds, the rattled wheeze of an invalid friend, a once had lover, spits back at me in awkward revenge as it boomerangs off the bark of an overgrown maple....
Air warm and humid as it plays on my shoulder, guilt abandoned, photographs left, a slight breeze blowing over the curved frame of my face, my mellifluous smile. Branching off like spider veins, the nearest hints of lines of poetry, as I step off the path, brushing the overgrown weeds, the rattled wheeze of an invalid friend, a once had lover, spits back at me in awkward revenge as it boomerangs off the bark of an overgrown maple....
Each day my blog
can go right, left, upside down or sideways. Never quite sure until I begin to
write where the words will lead me...so I follow my sneakers, disquieting
vision and face parting into silence.... taking only a few small breaths,
apprehensively, as if my body is too small to contain my lungs any longer.....
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
essay / seaweed / life / yoga /
The heart was no
place to leave the blades piercing her soul, slicing her flesh, as the
resounding sound of madness echoed throughout her head. His footsteps hardened into the distance. His betrayal left and then carried out with the tide. She
collected every sharp knife in the house, and threw each, individually, into the
sea. One knife, one blade, one life, as seaweed attached itself to her lost
hope, and the turning, of yet, another page in her story. The salt from the
ocean lay like bitter tonic water on her tongue, as sea salt spray washed over
her face in acknowledgment of one abandoned fallen tear. When love ends, what
exactly does that look like?
Her naked body clambering up onto the rocks, breasts exposed to the sun. She had thought about the valley of desolation, the narrow path of life that had plunged her to these gorges, the crack in the earth's crust she had fallen prey to. She had tried to back away, but bruised and blistered, she always threw herself back to the caldron of boiling water that held her secret...in the mirror, the unrelenting identical she could not escape from...the turquoise pool of water she often leaped to...diamonds around her neck, she now dropped them down the sewer. She dropped the ice of him. The night I was torn from the pages of your life, you thought you left, but really, I had already left you. Snow was falling from the sky that night, winter was always the hardest season.....it left tracks in the snow...that became so hard to forget, as they pressed like ice into frozen memory....
Her naked body clambering up onto the rocks, breasts exposed to the sun. She had thought about the valley of desolation, the narrow path of life that had plunged her to these gorges, the crack in the earth's crust she had fallen prey to. She had tried to back away, but bruised and blistered, she always threw herself back to the caldron of boiling water that held her secret...in the mirror, the unrelenting identical she could not escape from...the turquoise pool of water she often leaped to...diamonds around her neck, she now dropped them down the sewer. She dropped the ice of him. The night I was torn from the pages of your life, you thought you left, but really, I had already left you. Snow was falling from the sky that night, winter was always the hardest season.....it left tracks in the snow...that became so hard to forget, as they pressed like ice into frozen memory....
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
skinny dipping /indecision / expectations
All of the tiny pieces of life
that ostensibly do not matter, but then really do, is what is tasted on my
tongue today. Skinny-dipping seems so silly when I place it down on paper, but
nothing in the world can ever feel so invigorating. Do it alone, do it with
someone, but just do it, at least once in your lifetime. You need to almost get
caught, but never get caught. The art of loving yourself, and letting go, is
truly an art form. Beginning to make clawing gestures with at least one of my
hands, as I dig in the dirt, all the while climbing up the hill, to finally be
able to see the view from the top, where something fills the space and scent to
the air of what is still missing.
The fact of the matter is, life
can become tangled and broken, and then you build up again from there,
from between the walls where it feels small and empty, that stagnant
place, the place that leaves me barest. Life changes, and then we do, and we personify our lives searching for that perfect fit again, and then, suddenly, without
cause or expectation, it arrives unannounced upon my doorstep.
Clean slates allow you to make
something from nothing, from just scrapes of nothingness at all. An epiphany of
sorts, a renaissance - an explanation mark at the end of your paper.
I'm standing
alone waiting for the train, alone on the platform, as I see it moving towards
me, barreling forward down the tracks. Then it's sound rushes over me, deafening
me - and I am committed and ready when it gets here. It's wind blowing, tossing
up the dormant riches that have been gathering dust on the floor of me.
The archaic need
to wrestle just enough, to finally grab hold of something without indecisive
decision having me, yet again, back peddling, I jump over the place between the
locomotive and the platform, the one the conductor has always warned me about.
The jumping has had to be learned, as I have never mastered the jumping into
anything, easily. I do now know, that you need to take that jump, with no
guarantee of a parachute landing. Letting old skin open, new skin in, and the
wrestling of a failed convection of past history fall to the way - side.
The answer never
arrives, unless you open the door and go looking for it. Yesterday's news, last
week's novel, scattered across my desk...........navigating the territory
between my heart and my head, even if the assumption is dangerous, as the clock
ticks against the future, and beads of sweat form in my navel, and my indelible ink, for the moment, remains wet........
renderings / yoga
In a body that refuses to bend, I flourish through moveable joints.
I dance to my breath.
Sun touches my skin, it has not killed me.
Washed in light, it lands on me and flows like honey down my arms.
Dreams are nourished by this nectar.
Toes pointed, heart lifted, head thrown back in abandon.
The kind of passion that makes my unyielding back arch.
I feel the anchor inside me lift, I am weightless for this moment.
Sweep through me, swirl around me, carry me away.
Music, forgiveness, the salt of sweat and tears.
Graceful at last.
CK ~
I dance to my breath.
Sun touches my skin, it has not killed me.
Washed in light, it lands on me and flows like honey down my arms.
Dreams are nourished by this nectar.
Toes pointed, heart lifted, head thrown back in abandon.
The kind of passion that makes my unyielding back arch.
I feel the anchor inside me lift, I am weightless for this moment.
Sweep through me, swirl around me, carry me away.
Music, forgiveness, the salt of sweat and tears.
Graceful at last.
CK ~
poetic / renderings/ sneakers/ run
passing every detail of my shadow on the pavement, tracing the edge of my lip with my tongue, catching a droplet of weeping from my pores, in a surreal and orphaned state of solitude.........sneakers oblige me
I stood by my bed
wanting to feel your breath
on the back of my neck
you stood beneath my window
withering away your life
I took the dust
that had gathered
by my feet
I placed it
in a jar
set it on my window
the dust
reminds me of you
tarnished ashes
of what love was..
Monday, June 23, 2014
dear lover/ dream/ sensual
Dear Lover,
I have dreamed of you in the
past few days, as I have dreamed of ice cream melting down my fingers on a hot
July evening. Like a tide, you continuously wash over me. You are wearing a
blue suit, white shirt, navy blue & yellow tie, and tasseled loafers. I feel the gentle
caress of your gloveless hand, as my trembling hand slowly observes, and then
creeps over yours. Overcome by a frozen loneliness that eats at me, I
frantically grasp
at every memory I conjure of you.
The little hotel in Paris where we made love
with a mad frenzy. The burdening of the hardness beneath the sheets as I tried
to tame you. Our mouths so dry, we wet each other’s with champagne. You pulled
off my white sweater and jeans, holding them to your face just to breath in my
perfume. Drawing yourself up into me, not immersing yourself into intellectual
exertion, you glided right into foreplay. I can almost hear you still purring, as
you drew the breath from me. Your eyes taking photographs as I stood in front
of the full-length mirror, posed for you in all my nakedness.
The melting of
the ice cube in my mouth kind of reminds me of you, soft clay of your hands on
my body never felt so good.
Then I open my eyes...darkness dims, morning has come, my dream dashes forward, and there you are, still asleep, right next to me....your cheek resting on my pillow, your breathing, faintly falling onto the bareness of my back.......I love you all over again, with eyes wide open!
monday/ heat/ manhattan
everywhere. Horns blaring, the bulk of my briefcase pulling me even faster into
the crowd now crossing Fifth Avenue, my feet landing soundlessly on the
sidewalk. Amid one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan everyone seems to
hurl in direction, as the faces of strangers begin to now part like the
widening waters of the Red Sea. My arms swing, urging me forward in delicate
purpose. The stone perched lions are having trouble keeping pace with my stride,
as they guild the entrance to the New York City Library. My hand over my
briefcase, my face, wearing a symbol of content.
My thirst turns to something
more, a dry heaviness lodged in the center of my throat. I sit down on the
steps so deliberately; the lions lend a muffled roar. Fending my water bottle
to my lips, I satisfy the monster of my heat exhaustion. Condensation now saturates
my light green chiffon blouse as it drips profusely from my water bottle,
running down my arm, wetting my exposed fingers. I dab the wet on the area
between my breasts.
The iron gate of heat works it's way methodically back into
my throat, as I sip water, just to further oblige the throngs of it all,
tossing it to peril. I hold my scarf; wipe my forehead, then fold it carefully backs
to the inner of my briefcase. If I could, I would wantonly lie down in the
fountain baring my naked flesh under streams of cool water. Faces starring back
at me, as intersections all cross my path. The stagnant late June air of
Manhattan hangs over all of us, polluting out skin and out thoughts.
ounce of who we each are has now been made palpable by the cause and effect of
why we are each here. At the corner of fifth avenue a woman's wrinkles augment
the authority she holds in the lessons of life on the street, as rivets of
water drip from her underarms. I take out my notebook, and with slanted
handwriting, I date my journal page, observations, June 23, 2014....
Sunday, June 22, 2014
yoga / grace / elegance
In a body that refuses to bend, I
flourish through moveable joints.
I dance to my breath.
Sun touches my skin, it has not killed me.
Washed in light, it lands on me and flows like honey down my arms.
Dreams are nourished by this nectar.
Toes pointed, heart lifted, head thrown back in abandon.
The kind of passion that makes my unyielding back arch.
I feel the anchor inside me lift, I am weightless for this moment.
Sweep through me, swirl around me, carry me away.
Music, forgiveness, the salt of sweat and tears.
Graceful at last.
I dance to my breath.
Sun touches my skin, it has not killed me.
Washed in light, it lands on me and flows like honey down my arms.
Dreams are nourished by this nectar.
Toes pointed, heart lifted, head thrown back in abandon.
The kind of passion that makes my unyielding back arch.
I feel the anchor inside me lift, I am weightless for this moment.
Sweep through me, swirl around me, carry me away.
Music, forgiveness, the salt of sweat and tears.
Graceful at last.
Here I am.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
shadows/ dawn/ running/ breath
Feeling my
shadow loom over me, sweat wraps itself around my trunk, as I take one long
breath, and then allow tattoos of perspiration to portrait the canvas of my
flesh and bone. Calloused fingertips of softened wind lightly touch my back,
whispers left in a forgotten corner of my shadow now triggers of sensation in
the deepest part of the hollows of my hips. In each passing of daylight, I run
towards the next dawn.
Friday, June 20, 2014
death / memory/ love
The reality of
being alone in our own middle - ground is sometimes more than we each should bear.
It is at this point that I wish I were a dog, specifically, my old dog, having now been put to
rest. She was a dog whom knew how to nurture and how to simply let go, of the bone in the
yard, an old sneaker, or the touch of a hand. She was so much smarter
than any of us humans ever proved to be. I am taken back by the ferocity of something smoldering today on the
east coast.
Overhead I feel it, draped in a hot humid air mass, something dragging it's way to the surface, thoughts target between my eyes, then creep from one side to the other as a sharp stabbing pain in my skull. This is when I could easily rid myself of New York, and the complications of life here, for a small flat, in dare I say, Paris? My husband and myself, whisked away in absolute contentment. The idea of writing from Paris has always held a penchant desire for me, sounds so elegant, so artistic, so aristocratic, so, well, so French and Paris. Croissants with tea, wine in the middle of the afternoon, days would be rich and interesting, crimson heat fluttering in our cheeks, but alas, today I am still adrift in humid New York, with just the lingering smell of French Pastry from a breakfast cafe not far away, and the burdens of complications that must be dealt with.
Tears fall to the floor, scurrying to claim all floor space as their own. In a final burden of fate, I release myself from the drowning, and move onward and upward. My brokenness today comes from the thought that one day, the inevitable is going to happen, and one of us, either my husband, or myself, will pass from this earth, leaving the other one, standing alone on the shoreline. That, just scares the crap out of me...I do not want it to be him, nor, do I want it to be me...but endings never happen that neatly. The love I have with this man is something I cling to...........for fear of it one day no longer being there...for one of us.... when the other is gone...AND, on this day, without recourse or reason, I swell with the inevitable course of one of our deaths. No matter how far off from now that time is for one of us, it will still be too soon when it arrives!
Overhead I feel it, draped in a hot humid air mass, something dragging it's way to the surface, thoughts target between my eyes, then creep from one side to the other as a sharp stabbing pain in my skull. This is when I could easily rid myself of New York, and the complications of life here, for a small flat, in dare I say, Paris? My husband and myself, whisked away in absolute contentment. The idea of writing from Paris has always held a penchant desire for me, sounds so elegant, so artistic, so aristocratic, so, well, so French and Paris. Croissants with tea, wine in the middle of the afternoon, days would be rich and interesting, crimson heat fluttering in our cheeks, but alas, today I am still adrift in humid New York, with just the lingering smell of French Pastry from a breakfast cafe not far away, and the burdens of complications that must be dealt with.
Tears fall to the floor, scurrying to claim all floor space as their own. In a final burden of fate, I release myself from the drowning, and move onward and upward. My brokenness today comes from the thought that one day, the inevitable is going to happen, and one of us, either my husband, or myself, will pass from this earth, leaving the other one, standing alone on the shoreline. That, just scares the crap out of me...I do not want it to be him, nor, do I want it to be me...but endings never happen that neatly. The love I have with this man is something I cling to...........for fear of it one day no longer being there...for one of us.... when the other is gone...AND, on this day, without recourse or reason, I swell with the inevitable course of one of our deaths. No matter how far off from now that time is for one of us, it will still be too soon when it arrives!
heavy thoughts on
this summer like day!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
chimes/ river / survival
The natural temperament of my
sneakers today, is a slow and steady pace. Terracing down towards the river,
sun organically falling from the ceiling, I bath in the rays. Birds with
elephant ears grab hold of my whispers, as chosen secrets spill in silent
confession. Whispers left hanging
in the trees.
Sneakers.... laces...left abandoned....
In the science of survival, I run
through the many realities of life. Trajectory pushes my feet forward; the sun
warms my temperament, Spanish moss hanging like hair in the morning air
surrounds my skin, chimes swaying in the breeze jangle at every corner.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
tea/ graphics/ domestic violence/ tears
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pictures of progression in putting togetehr the tea & graphics boutique |
Gripping my red pen, trying to
gain ground, I begin again to edit line by line the unpleasant memories, the
affectionate irony of my red pen and my life. Life presents with no edits, no
red pen to eradicate the bad parts. Trees hang in a cover of humidity making
them look more withered than they really are today. Every part of me is
clenching up as I peer those darn woodpeckers clinging to the bark of the tree
already this morning, each one harnessing a memory I thought had been put in
the coffin of my past life. Whenever this devil of sort’s grabs hold of my
inners, I type away feverishly, heat fluttering in my cheeks. The typing stops
the rising panic within me, and the appalling need to just sink further down
into it. As if I were a prisoner of this despondent swamp, every so often, YOU creep
back in, the thought of you is what crushes the most...domestic violence is so
misunderstood...the internal scars have a way of swelling, just when you think
you have put them all to rest. As I step towards my yoga mat, a small pool of
still moonlight spills across the floor, as I have even outpaced the breaking
of dawn this morning. This is what happens when flood gates open up, and
memories flow in, and you toss and turn, until, finally, you just get up to
begin the day...
Lost in a moment
Right in the center of the
Where the wet of you clings to my
I blink
Just to hold
back the river...
Going to do more
work in the boutique to get it ready for opening day
subdued / sexual /concentration
The opening of sky, my place of
concentration, sweat runs along the inner of my thigh. Asking nothing of me,
sneakers competently lead me. Skin flawless, as each step of my sneaker
brings me closer to my rawness. My body submissive under the adhesive of early morning sweat, as breasts and
shoulders stand at attention.
My body's moment of
ultimate cohesion, as emphatic sweat begins to drain, trailing down the
curvature of my tailbone, in a dance of tormented sexual persuasion.
Forbearance of my sneaker taps at
the illusion.........subdued....
Sunday, June 15, 2014
confessions / sunday / love
Sunday’s Confession:
I have drawn much criticism and
have felt abandoned by some who once promised they would always be there for
me, yet I learned my own strength, my drive. My need to always want warm
weather, bottles of perfume, music floating from every room, and the safeness
of that one person to call my own, and snuggle up to, separates me from the
norm. It leaves the indelible line drawn in the sand, with myself on one side,
and everyone else on the other. I
believe in falling in love...I believed it at fifteen, as I still believe it at
52. I tend to find myself, once again, explaining my beliefs, my notations on
what my life should be, and, exactly what it should be rid of, once and for
all. It is the ‘once and for all” I still struggle with, as small bothersome
thoughts creep in from around some crazy little corner of my mind. I think
brokenness still bleeds a bit, even when we think we have gotten past the haunt
of it. This is the reason nature grows roses, perfect and beautiful.... so that
once again, we can begin to believe in the good of it all. This is why they
fill my gardens, to teach me to once again believe in something, in someone....go
out and find what you believe in, the things that make you smile past the pain,
of something, or someone, of a moment in time you wish you could simply forget....
Saturday, June 14, 2014
rain / sweat / flesh / masquerade
Amused by the masquerade of my flesh under
the covering of a salty precipice, as droplets now shatter on the ground. Crisp
air turns on the light beneath my flesh, with unswerving intent, melting me
into a boneless vibration echoing off the pavement. A drip, of sweat, or rain,
nestles in the gully between my breasts in a secret meeting with my nipples,
downward passage of my throat thirsting to thoughts once slaved to rest, now
exposed one every ligament of my calf, as sheer glistening sweat takes refuge
upon me. The rain, acts as my cloak, coverage of my nakedness, winding its way
around my body in lovers temperance. Tears from heaven now dancing along the
pavement, squish, as they enter my sneaker.....
Friday, June 13, 2014
braclets / bangles/ bullshit
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front window of our boutique |
Not Bubbles, Not Bangles, Not
bracelets, no, today was just all about life's BULLSHIT! In the pouring rain we
(cute husband and I) could not find parking close enough to unload, in the
rain, the antique desk we had bought for the new boutique we are opening.... it
is going to be the CASH desk.... where ALL of the money changes hands.... No,
not today, no parking space to be had!
My son turned 26 today, yes,
that's right. Twenty six years ago I grunted and cried, twisted and jerked, and
gave birth to the most beautiful blue eyed, dark haired, little boy a mother
could ever have hoped for. Twenty-six years later, nope, not even a call back
from my multiple (some a bit frantic I will admit) birthday messages left on
his voicemail for him from me. Life, well, it can be heart wrenching in the end...no
one tells you this when you give birth to these perfect little bundle of joys.
I bathed, I fed, I tamed, I nurtured, I wiped off bloody knees, finished school
reports and projects, drove my car into overdrive driving to swimming and hockey
practices, held them through meltdowns, girlfriend / boyfriend breakups, failed
attempts, triumphs, and then of course, there were those four ungodly college
years of wants - wishes - and needs that were all fulfilled, but, nope, none of
those things now matter. Now I can go pound sand somewhere! Funny how these
tiny creatures can drop your heart to the sidewalk, and then, step right on it when they need to cross the street.
Oh, but the unfairness of life!!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
rain / sneakers/ run / skin
Feeling the top ridge of chilled air grab
hold of the inside of my exposed thigh, the oil from my skin running like an
ocean of light down my leg. Shadow covers day, as high clouds foretell of
punishing rain. My arms and shoulders shake with a shudder, a moment of
construction as muscles tighten and spread throughout my body.
Breath unzips from the center of my
chest, as the pulsating of my heart presses outward from my innermost flesh.
Sacrificing thought to adrenaline rushed stupor, as the intoxication of the
drug creeps into my sneaker.
Pulse begins to smolder dangerously
close to erupting my pores with mislaid possessions. The content of which, runs
down my careen in a dubious array of pearls circling my midsection. Sliding
away into the comfort of my brushed flesh, a climactic surge muscles in a
frisson of indignation, as I lie submerged beneath my layers. Dew from my body
now drenching.....or, is it the rain?
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
rain / summer / feet / breast
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one of my bag creations, soon to be in my local boutique |
a single hurried tug, I willingly surrender to the rain. Direct side way beams
of my breast peer out from the drenched skin of my shirt. Sweat works its way
methodically downstream, anchoring in my navel. My tongue holding the vibration
of breath against my inner cheek, the parade, the dance of my feet moving
downhill. Flood gates of damp gray sky open onto my shoulders, length of my
legs, running a river down my tailbone. Wet sensation colliding with the
I want today to be different, to move past the opinions which pull me down. Drop into a backbend without fear, rather than the fear dominating.......
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
sweat / run / racehorse / inversion
I have just finished my run and I
am sweaty, but all I can think about today (well not all.... but a large amount
of my thoughts) is that it was so good to feel the burn, to sweat like a
racehorse, and to let myself feel 100% free. I now feel compelled to throw myself
into an upside down inversion, and breathe, just breathe................................
Monday, June 9, 2014
fairytale / pink / obsession
i don't believe you >>>PINK
I write it's always about a story going on in my head, I guess it's how I see
everything, always something more to say or write, because there is
always something more than what meets the eye.
Not everything in life ends in a fairytale, and you then, accept life's terms and move on from there.
Writing for me has always been my before and after self - portraits. I often write about the common misconceptions that we as humans
place on each other and ourselves, our daily complaints, our begging to be euthanized, verbal floggings, progressions, loves, and losses. Sharing personal musings and observations from my many hours spent living, loving, losing, abandoning, and wrestling with contentment...........
I have felt a hand at
my face,
pressed my skin into
the pressure of a tender touch.
Fallen heart first for
kindness and the lack of.
Given my all to
in sweetness of exchange.
KQ ~
Sunday, June 8, 2014
boutique/ new beginnings
I spent months creating a time line that I then derailed from, stopped, affected by emotion. Today, however, I signed (we signed, husband and I) the lease on the new store front for the boutique we are opening in July. It will host my Canvas bags of meditative thought, and lots of tea, loose and in bulk, from such far away places as Africa and Spain. The gourmet jelly and jam collection will complement the tea
Saturday, June 7, 2014
sneaker / talk / wisdom
My suspicion is that the birds that flocked
above me this morning during my early morning run were sent to pull me
myself, pull me from deep self - absorption. They grabbed hold of one of
threads in their beak and pulled me along, as they inched me toward
As I grab for my journal book, my mind
unravels a thousand thoughts. I think on paper, the place I
out my life. The place I connect all those tiny prism dots, the place
with many
beginnings, and few endings, the place that often allows me not to speak
tongue at all.
Today is my one year wedding anniversary, and as our one year gift to each other, we will be opening up a tea boutique in July. It is our first adventure together as husband and wife, so excited.The signing of the new lease on the space has just been duly noted and signed in black ink!
Today is my one year wedding anniversary, and as our one year gift to each other, we will be opening up a tea boutique in July. It is our first adventure together as husband and wife, so excited.The signing of the new lease on the space has just been duly noted and signed in black ink!
Friday, June 6, 2014
yoga / energy / meditate
During practice (yoga) or a run, I do not mentally check-out, my mind
still whirls. Somehow as I sweat it begins to soften and untangle, I
become removed, shedding layers which I no longer need to hold tight to. Even my legs and arms begin to feel lightweight. I imagine myself
gliding through the air, lost in a dream. Perhaps I subconsciously resist the healing. It is when I push the
threshold and elevate my activity level that the energetic shift occurs and I
feel saturated in love and happiness.
Together we can dance through the difficlut.
Together we can dance through the difficlut.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
rain / serenity / running
My sneakers as
boats, as I navigate the flooded streets. Rain pelting, piercing shoulder
blades, like electrical currents traveling the whole of my body. My
breath caught up in the shock waves, as my body submits to the punishing.
Torrents of rain filling my sneakers, watching water crashing, as the mapping
of the pavement becomes my idyllic middle ground. Stripped down to flesh,
coated in rain, serenity now. Sprawled on breath, I concentrate on the
surrounding sounds: trickling rain, rhythmic whisper of breath, strains of my sweat
carried on a breeze. Braced for the interruption of the puddles, as my feet
enjoy the reverie.
Solitude of the dirt path I turn onto, profoundly empowering.....
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
acceptance / change / cucumbers
![]() |
cucumber mint water.........there is nothing quite as refreshing! |
thought of the day is that; life is about changing. The what, the who, the
when, the where, even with all of my so-called ‘Zen,' I find my emotion wildly
unsympathetic today. Whether good change or bad change, I think leaning into
the change is the tipping point for many of us, which rocks the boat over. I
learned to swim ancient years ago, at times with the tide, more times than I
care to admit, against the tide. I always swam though, and safely made it to
the opposing shore of somewhere, someone, and something that I had been
reaching for. So, today my thought is on yet another swim, another tide,
another change. I am counting down such a vast bucket list of ideals, a repeat
visitor to this bucket daily, ducking into quiet space, just to empty my bucket
onto the floor, marbles of transition and change rolling in round circle dots
of color across the wood floor. Some of life changes roll further along the
floorboards than others do; perhaps, they are the ones that are just still a
bit out of my reach. The closer marbles I grab and roll within my fingers,
touching these closest life changes, make them ever more real to me, ever more
solid, as I stand firm footed alongside each of them. Acceptance of the ones I
most grieve for. Appreciation of the ones I most strive for. A giant question
mark as to who I now am, sits right at the tip of my nose. I’ll let you know
when I have the answer, when I find the answer, as to who I now am, from what I
once was. The evolution of a life is quite a process. For me, acceptance has
been a huge part of the journey...
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
run / sneakers / beginnings
Ran so fast this morning, like I
was saving myself from a live grenade, running to the banks of the river, just
to skip rocks across the water. A few rocks later, I turned, and ran back up
the hill, and home. Waiting for me, scattered all over the floor of my office,
were the pages of "Life Changes". When everyone thinks you are dead,
is that when you start life all over again, is that when you begin to navigate
the territory again between your heart and your head ? If it indeed is, then
that is the spot where I am at today. That is the spot I will write from today.
I am standing at the edge of an end, all new beginnings start with an end. An
end of something, of somewhere, of somehow, of someone, truth is, things are
not always as they seem, or always the way you want them to be, and that is
when an end turns to a beginning, finally bringing me back to the conclusion
that ends are more often than not, good things. Sometimes I believe being at
the end of everything may just be the freshest new beginning, at least, for me
a new beginning is always a closure of something else. Pretty amazing when
everything you thought you knew and understood now suddenly defies everything
with a much needed amount of certainty. It is the same sensation felt when your
world is turned upside down, and you flick on the light switch, just to be able
to see, to turn it all right side up again. That is the point I am at today,
the "life changes" point, the flicking on of the light switch point
(Aha moments are often so much more difficult to see in the dark, one day I
will finally get to that realization, maybe next time, way before the moments
begin to haunt at my sneakers, and my feet cry out for blistering mercy...running is good thing, beets the ja - be - jeezes out of many of the other options one might choose to conquer his or her life )
Monday, June 2, 2014
grief / love / loss / life
As far as thieves go, grief is the greatest one.
She robs us of the people we love, but—perhaps most achingly—she zaps our
ability to imagine the future, without someone, or something, no longer in it.
Lose a place, a person, or a love and, suddenly, measurements of time become
irrelevant. Grief warps time; she renders our plans for next week and dreams
for the next vacation incongruous. When we mourn our losses we also mourn, for
better or for worse, ourselves. As we were. As we are no longer. As our life once
was. As our life is no longer. As we will one day not be at all.
My discontent with grief comes from its blocking
my boundless want. By drawing strict lines between my living and those whom I
have lost, places and moments I have lost, grief casts the world in harsh
light. She makes it impossible to believe in forever. Instead, she injects a
heinous pragmatism into sentiments that would rather be unadulterated by it.
The triumph of love over loss, of affection over grief, of dreaming over pain
is a learned ability for me. I grieve the moments in life which pass through
me, the moments that break my heart...leaving me momentarily stunned, unable to
utter a word.... leaving me in solitude, complete silence...I'm not so far
removed that I have forgotten, that grief is a scary place.
Chills prickle down my arms.
My throat becomes stifled with nameless emotion.
Do you ever catch the scent of a memory?
I do
that too.
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