Friday, February 28, 2014

Good Morning Friday!

My walk is hard, deep, seductive, convicted, as the click of my high heels pronounces the hardened black pavement. I clutch my workbag so tightly it pushes back leaving indents on my fingers. The birds only a whisper now, so faint I no longer hear them. Opening my shoulders, lengthening my back, my heels seductively penetrate the line of ligament running up my calf.

What one can decipher from the nude canvas of my face, is beauty, sudden sadness, gratitude, pain, forbearance, solitude, destiny, awkwardness, calm, panic, love, loss, strength, weakness, emptiness, fulfillment, passion, empathy, discernment. What one can see are the aches of life worn on my sleeve, as my fingers run themselves along the rim of the coffee cup I hold in my cold hand, thoughts already penetrating through the early darkness of the day, poignant, sharp, and repetitive.
 Eyes downcast in subtle gentle movement, theatrically paused, pondering, tottering on my high heels, as I become part of the morning rat race. The churning of the train fills my ears with loudest roar. Stepping from the platform, crossing through the doors, a poignant silence which seems to last forever as I find my seat.

My body is in stronger than usual heat, as I take rest on the smell my own perfume. The frigid negative temperatures felt when I stepped outside my door this morning have finally begun to get to me, get under my skin, and grope at things in the dark which still haunt at me. The coldness of winter, especially winter 2014, still has a habit of zeroing in on things I wish to forget. Faces and scenes I wish to abolish from memory.........the summer is always so much more forgiving than winter will ever be for me.

A Relationshop Begins

From downstairs, the noise appears again. She listens for the footsteps leading on the stairs to her sixth floor walk up. Seeing the doorknob turn ever so slightly, will he assume she is sleeping, and let himself in?   She is too well heeled to get up and let him in, so she closes her eyes, and waits for the turning of the doorknob.

The door begins to open, and conversely she once again, replays scenes in her head, of the wine, the bar, the music,  the sex, the meeting in Paris where they established both the familiar and the unfamiliar of one another. She ordered the fish cooked in garlic, he ate from her fork. Already she had decided then, to go beyond the first page with him. Now here she was, in her sixth floor walk up, waiting for the doorknob to open, for the turning of yet another page in their story.

It will begin with wine, and end in sweat, and his fingers will trace the outline of her face.  A portrait in time, in the morning, she will sigh, and he will leave to catch the metro. She will drink coffee, running her hands down along her body, covered in vibrations of seated emotion, and he will smile politely at everyone he passes along the street.

Eventually, they will make promises.

Eventually, we all, always make promises, to partners who were once perfect strangers to us, and, now, they become our lives!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

On Pre - Marriage Dating my Husband

Further provoking desire, lips barely brushing skin, as gently I lent down, my cinnamon lipstick leading a certain marked trail along his thigh. Instead of a hapless lover, a goddess of erotica freed herself from inside of me, and in insurmountable contradiction lead me to the wanting more of him. I had not touched him yet, as he expertly navigated his way down my torso, at first drawing nothing but breath, but then pressing so hard into me, leaving me in a hypnotic trance that cemented to my memory.
In the morning, he left one final abstract kiss painted on my breast, and I slipped a door key into his pant's pocket as he took a shower. He headed off, and I continued to smile, both of us became predictable. Left feeling a bit light headed from the passion and the heat, and the consideration of what was still, yet to come. 

Leaning out my window, I remember letting the rain fall on my face...summer rain always feels intixicating against summer's heat.......

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ooohh, Bad Husband Choice

Lats night's apparent indiscretion of some dirtbag husband...

Their collective quiet is pulled taut, as two unknown lovers strain under the weight of some great sexual driven passion, right beneath an apartment window on a slush ridden corner in Manhattan. They kiss in a maddened fulfillment as their invisible bond promises never to be broken. They look happily, savagely, into each other’s eyes, into what lies next. Under the streetlamp, lit with desire, as the river runs along the west side, and the sun sets on the east, quite the contradiction, as conflict now rises from the gold of his wedding band. He probably has already called home, to state he has a late night unexpected office meeting.

He twists it, often and frantic, twirling it around his finger, as if not knowing what to do with it. He pulls it off, fastens it to the inside fold of his briefcase, and in the darkness of the case the ring knows nothing. The ring sees not the forbidden embrace, the fruit of another, the tongues probing, forbidden fruit of the lover, as body parts, hug, touch and cling to one another. 

The pounding of his heart is for this lover, as the ring sits secure in complete epic darkness. The ring, never knows, and never tells. The love affair, it stands on the corner of 77th and Lexington, beneath the street lamp, covered in heat, blushing from fulfillment. The taste of yet, still another husband gone bad! 

Whose husband is it? It doesn't look like mine...but he definitely belongs to some unfortunate trusting lady whom apparently made a very poor judgment call in her choice of choosing this "poor excuse for a man" as her husband...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cycle of Running

My body reacting impulsively to the beat of my heart, the strum of my sweat, the taste of my pores, redirecting the flow of my blood to a river of its own. Recognizing a movement of time when air crosses over my flesh in a cycle of mourning, then clear reconciliation.It is in these moments that I feel, most alive!

Monday, February 24, 2014

#1 Life Lesson

OR   Life Advice

  ..............let go of the guilt.......

Round Two with Husband

 When I closed my eyes long enough, I could feel the soft compassion of his hands in places they shouldn’t be, his mouth in movement that ought not to be, in a sin that now was what was to define me, as I willfully surrendered to all of that, .... an unbelievable interlude with husband took place under the cover of darkness, and the vast expanse of snow and ice which now fully cover the roof of our home. I forgot all about being a Catholic Girl......and it was  one of the best decisions of my  not - so - Catholic - now life. There is much more to monogamous sex than simply pro - creation, sex for the sake of sex is what is needed and intended, for closeness, completeness, and fully feeling..............

Isn't sex without guilt wonderful ?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Jaded Journals

You can die a fast moving cancer and miss the chance, any chance, at anything, at everything . There's always another chance in life until you come to the end of it, and then you are out of chances.  

When life ends, your life, my life, it is so final. Death gives no second chances, at that, at this, at yesterday, at tomorrow, or, at pretty much anything and everything you ever could have thought, or done, or, perhaps, done differently.

So now, I laugh loud. I tell my new husband that I love him. I take those trips. I go for that long run, or walk. I eat that piece of dark chocolate (all by myself, but then I run, so it all works out). I don't mind any longer making mistakes for things I have done, regrets I can no longer undue.

I just don't ever want to have any further continued regret (as of today) for the things I didn't do, didn't say. 

 I have struggled with that notion, longer than you ever could have imagined.

I realize now that my journals are like marks on a growth chart. That I needed to go through certain phases in order to get better, that I still go through certain phases to become complete, the complete and complicated work that I am. That attempting to “cover my footprints” is unnecessary. But I’m still not immune to the urge to hide thoughts I’m not proud of anymore, things that have left me jaded and bewildered. 

Journals you write for your eyes only, not for an audience in mind.... so, as journals unwind through the intricate succession of the keys on my keyboard, I am reminded why they were even journals at get through thoughts, to somehow work them out, until under the pretence of black ink...they become irrefutable. So, covering my footprints is unnecessary,as journals are not meant for an audience, can be blunt, fearful, and damn well jaded!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Running in Poetry

So, you say you are a runner. Well, true runners, always run.....through every season. 
Emphatic trees reach down their limbs in a lover's torment towards me. Creeping through the darkness at my peril, sweat drips, as a wall of paint licks my shoulder blade. 
Plum velvet of my circulatory fades to folds of beige on my flesh. In a dark unspoken urge I think a deer throws me a kiss, in majestic complacency, as the intimacy lends forebode of a past lover. Sneakers skim and float on a tide of pleasure....... sunrise is in the distance..... 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Just Saying

All damn day I have listened to the endurance of the rain, as it slops against the frame of the house, and leaves a trench in my driveway the size of the Grand almost swallowed me whole ( and I can think of better ways to be swallowed whole...hhhmmm)when I walked down the driveway to get into my car.

 Funny, isn't it , how now I am complaining about, and takeing pot - shots at, the rain.........last week, it was the snowstorms that had my hair standing on end.......I just can't ever seem to be satisfied, can I ?

Laced in Observations

Laced in observation, studying the sallow face of rain clouds, as I cling to the thought of Spring. Sniffing at the steam curling up from my keyboard, as confessional deadlines loom in the strains of silence. Needing to write down every single thought that passes through my head. The hush of the house deeply infused with reassurance, as each stroke of my keyboard lays a final imprint of thought.

Serving up thoughts from a vast tureen, a cacophony of voice from the past, looking up at the cracks in my ceiling, listening to the howling of the wind, taking edge from the past in poetic tongue of language, as the last bit of wax from a candle drips onto my desk in recognition of the wee hours of the morning. Writing is a way of talking without ever having to utter a word....
As crackles of silence
now drown from me
and break upon my feet...My pseudonym fending off inquiry, landscape littered with people who think they know me, but alas, she appears to have no past. 

Resting on my arm, peering out my window, poised in an arch, staring into shuddering red embers of sunrise, still kindling sultry flames of last evening. The little black dress, the heels, the dance of proposition, as the lace that wound around my body, now folds across my bed.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Memories in a Shoebox

I am far from the floor I collapsed on in Connecticut, reliving memories, mulling over evil, discontent, pain, and healing. A place I spent many candle – lit hours writing and sunrise filled mornings looking out over the water processing life’s journeys.
The memories that fall out of boxes now, are those of times before, making them feel so far away. They are other lives, past lives.  Photos are spread across my memory waiting for a decision on which ones I will choose to keep, and which ones I will let go of. Which memories belong on the wall of my new life and which ones will go back into the shoe  - boxes they emerged from?
I’d like to feel safe, to build a home, to watch as the next chapter of my life unfolds. It all begins with adjusting to these old memories, and leaving room for the new ones, which are yet to arrive, and where to place them all for now.
I wonder, in my new life, what I will experience in the confines of my new walls. Will I whisper words of love? Will I grieve a loss I haven’t yet fathomed? Will I conquer self-doubt? Will I struggle? Will I embrace self-love? Will I accomplish goals I haven’t yet set my mind to? Will I mourn my transient self? Will I long for my gone now beach - side property, or house with a view? Will I feel at home?
 I am accepting of clearing my mind, for new moments, new memories, and a brand new chapter of life to unfold.
I just do not relish the process of it all!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Husband's Affair

Do not think for one minute that these cool waters don't hurl a familiar ripple of dismay through this gentrifying river village. It had been his second affair in less than two years, before the emotional pain began to chip away at his ability to contain his secret any longer. Laminating the fabric of emotion that had long since held them together in thick sheets of cloudy plastic. The laminating, which had now turned, parched by the sunlight, discolored and yellow. 

He just as easily could have begun his affair in a big city, but he choose this small river village, where weekend tourists kept him covered under their camouflage, but midweek always saw him taking to rustic side roads, bleak and overshadowed by overgrown trees. He rapidly walked with his head down, conscious never to make eye contact with passersby. The way he came and went without anyone ever heeding notice to the sleekness of his parked sports car, a parking meter that had run out of time hours ago.

The key slipped in, as it always had, and there she stood, with nothing in hand, but the rose she had picked for him from her garden, wearing nothing but the lace camisole, and the smile he knew he could always count on. 

She had become a toxic poison that floated through his bloodstream; the kind he had often heard stories of junkies selling their souls for. She was, in fact, his drug of choice. She had become the needle he slipped into his veins, the addiction he could not walk away from. She had become the juice that filled the void of everything empty when the pace of his life simply could not keep up with his dreams.

He could have chosen a big city, where lovers stood under streetlamps, and no one ever seemed to care, or take notice, but he chose this river town. It was a village, where scandal was the drug of choice that ran through neighborhood veins. It was the drug of choice, which ousted him, the thorn that pricked his hand, that night of final rose.

What once was was now over. All he wanted to do was to add more quarters to his over due parking meter. The ticket sitting beneath his windshield wiper, his license plate now scribbled across the lines on the blue piece of paper for the entire world to take notice of.

The key had slipped so easily in, his feet now, not so easily out.  He had not planned on ever getting caught...he could have picked a big city, a less fertile entry, a less toxic exit, but he hadn't, he had picked this small river village...where now everyone knows his name. 

His wife sits in her lawyer's office, just opposite the courthouse where her husband just paid his parking ticket. He should have picked a big city, a less toxic exit...he should have had more brains than balls! Yes, another one bites the dust...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Packing for Life

Have you ever thought how desperately unprepared you packed for "life"? I know that I had much more room in my suitcase, and I should have used it, packed it to the maximum load permitted by airline standards....probably should have just gone to hell with myself, and overloaded it as well, and just paid the extra $25 surcharge someone would have charged me.......because I for one, am desperately under packed for life's journey. Take it from me.......stuff that suitcase.....until you have to sit on it to zip it shut....don't be caught off guard, be a prepared traveler!!!!

Tuesday Run

Small puddles of sweat spread out from each sneaker, as they hug themselves against the cold of the pavement. My flesh now naked, my soul utterly defenseless, in an almost skeptical sideways glance of pretentious thought, dripping wet, a river surrenders to the contours of my body. Magnetic force pulls me toward an embrace with the  frigid chill of morning. Holding my breath, inhaling deeply, in an emphatic need to save myself. Lungs swell, and then deflate, in an abandoning need to let the cold fall away from inside of me. My sneakers pick up in pace....

Monday, February 17, 2014

What The F*** is The Blog About

Yes, this is another one of those blogs that chronicles a life, apparently, "my life" as a women, as a married women whom was living within a marriage of twenty - five years, riddled (yes, I finally let the cat out of the proverbial bag) with domestic violence "issues", to living on my own, to feeling sorry for this man (mostly pity, and the fact that he was / is my children's father), to feeling even more sorry for me, to getting divorced (finally),

 to healing (I think that on most days anyway), to meeting someone new, to trusting someone new (enough to marry him June 2013), to dealing with the issues of combined families (on both sides our children are all grown, but,you would not think so, with some of their petty behavior towards us), to being madly in - love (finally), to tears, to meltdowns, to smiles,

 to my bad days, to my good days, my daily running, my eternal yoga practice, my sad description of what was my childhood, my insane dysfunctional bloodline family, and how none of us really like each other enough to be involved in each other's lives (I blame my parents equally for that one), to how I hate the snow, the cold, and the winter,

 to how I love the sunshine and warmth of summer, to fears, to offsets, to an accident that knocked the bee - jee - bees out of me for a good three years a few years back (still feeling the audacity of that one), to life's everyday blunders and bullshit, to hot marital sex (oh yes, do not seem so shocked, if you are truly paired and trusting with each other, the intimacy can be amazing), to finally finding my many new beginnings.......

YUP, this is a blog about ALL OF THAT......turns out, life can really FUCK with you, and not many of us survive.......EXCEPT FOR ME !

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stark Frozen Nothingness

Here I sit in front of my computer screen without one substantial rendering of thought to write about today. I should be writing the next chapter of a next book, or figuring out some twisted timeline for my life, but alas, I stare at the computer screen in complete nothingness. I am an early riser, light sleeper, and through a screwed - up backward compiled history, a ponderer,  of yesterday, tomorrow, and the far distant future. 

Yes, again, I have begun, at half past nine on a Friday morning, in the unsettling aftermath of a blinding snowstorm.....pondering the what ifs of my life, and, here it is Sunday, and still, I ponder! 

What if it was July, and not February? What if it was rain, and not snow? What if I was black, and not blue? What if a single stemmed rose was all it took, to wipe it all away? What if the snowflake landed on my tongue, and melted away the bitter cold? What if I gazed inward, for me, would it change the view?
What if.............would I still be me, would you still be you?

How often do you ponder the "what ifs" of your life?  
The answer is, more often than any of us ought to!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sneakers in Seductive Lure

My pace out steps the Lords of Winter, in a sultry seductive lure. I toss back at the wind, flutters thrown from my flesh, momentary stillness, thus begins the water pouring in torrents from my pores. So quickened is the eruption, it almost leaves me bleeding, breathless, and positively raw. Countable beads of sweat scattered on my breasts, drifting into formless intentions. Prying secrets from my sneakers....

Friday, February 14, 2014

Mid - Life Crisis

Rightfully assuring myself that I am entitled to a mid-life crisis like everyone else, I am spending my day in the ice and snow here on the eastcoast plotting and designing it. Perhaps, my writing, is my mid - life crisis, or, perhaps, it is more lewdly suggestive of impulsive narrative just before I design my mid - life crisis. 

You know the one, where I slip out in the mid of the night, drive to JFK airport, catch a flight to Paris, and live on the Riviera for a year writing in behavior lewdly suggestive of mania, dancing all night and skinny-dipping at dawn. Taking up suit with a very handsome, perfectly poised, dimple laden man, whom wants nothing more than to serve me. 

I have a zillion plausible ideas for my mid - life crisis. I think it to be every women's right to a mid - life crisis, after the toll of the years we spend taking care of, and nurturing, everyone else's wants and needs. The right to a mid - life crisis should come in the form of a giftcard, a very large giftcard, a very very large giftcard, to use as we choose.......and squander at will, on bad decisions, and seven hundred dollar Jimmy Choo shoes, and, perhaps, the attractive shoe salesman who sold us those same shoes, who gets off at 7, and only fancies fine dining establishments. The snow is making me delirious it would appear!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter's Swansong

Great Winter Hats for Women from Christmas fair in Grand Central Station in NYC

 It is early on in the day and thoughts already begin to spill over, my salt is all I taste, my breath is all I hear, my heartbeat is all I feel, as I wrap myself in the satiric novel of life. Air so thick with my presence, it waves in the breeze of electricity which tangles the static of my body. Heavily seduced by the ridiculousness of the snow-laden ground outside my window. 

Examining some small sliver of life, awkwardly falling into the sound of my own heartbeat as I slip from the bed covers this morning, as the sound of snow falling, and the constant duration of this unforgiving winter hovers near. 

Catapulting into thought, I am always the philosopher. Is life the catalyst that changes us, or, are we the catalyst that changes life? The answer bites at my flesh.

The bite of a cold wind strips across my face, burning an imprint of fire and ice across my forehead. Winter is definately my punishment served for something!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mental healthh

So, today my grown daughter was diagnosed with moderate to severe anxiety, and mild symptoms of slight bipolar disorder. Admittedly, my first reaction was to not even blink, or breath. The stigma we as a society have attached to mental illness (myself included) is almost as bad as the plague, or aids. I worry about a lifetime of daily medication, but everything is a trade off of sorts. Is it better to be on medication, which enables you to have a happy healthy productive life of some normalcy, or, is it better to be medication free with the reality of never being able to have a complete full life at all? 

I have always been an advocate of not supporting the pharmaceutical companies who have turned us into a generation of pill addicts. Drugs are altering our lives, minds, and bodies. A number of years back I suffered tremendous physical trauma which lead to mental trauma after a severe accident left me the prospect of multiple years of reconstructive surgeries to the repair damage in small doses. At said time, I had to be kept calm, so, lawyers and doctors had me on a regimen of 'off - label' use pain management, which also had the 'on label use' of calming me down.

 After nearly two and a half years I took myself off of the medications through a matriculation of three months of withdrawal from any and all drugs from my body. It was against doctors orders, lawyers orders, so I got rid of all of them too, while I was at it. I figured doctors and lawyers would be easy enough to replace, and I was right, they were. There was a whole line of them waiting in the wings to jump in to my case. The thought of being on medication for the rest of my life scared the fuck out of me. I had previously been the poster child for health, fitness, and yoga and running, so this reversal was really screwing me up. It turns out; it was the best decision I ever made, that, and leaving my first husband. 

Perhaps, I have become jaded from my own personal experiences with "head doctors,” as they held me over medicated,and, at times. zombie - like, instead of allowing me to go back to my usual method of dealing with stress or pain (which was to run, walk, and perform yoga). On legal paper turns out, a client reduced to drug therapy earns you more rewards in a courtroom, then a healthy fit, I can handle this type of female. SO, they had their interest at heart, not really mine. Thus, in becoming jaded, maybe I need to step back a bit, and realize, not everyone is of the same make - up.  Some of us need the help of the professional world to help us get through, either because our brain's chemical levels are unbalanced, our mood swings are chemical, not always female hormone based...or maybe, our sadness and instability is not something we can just jump hurdle over ourselves.

 All of us are entitled to be happy and living complete full saying that, maybe I need to accept the fact that my daughter is one such person...she needs the help of a daily medication to keep her life on track....but, admittedly,  when it touches so close to home, it alters you. I hope in two weeks or three weeks, she finds herself to be a new person, the person she had always dreamed she could be.... leading a productive happy life...even, if it means, two small daily pills helps her to get there. A complete happy full life beats the alternative hands down. I just hope the psychiatrist she is seeing does not turn out to be the pill pushing therapist/ doctors I had in the past...I hope they are minimalists, giving only the amount needed to her to get her over the hurdles of her diagnosis. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Vibrators & The After - Life

Do they allow vibrators in heaven? and, if so, are you allowed to bring extra batteries with you? See, dying really concerns me, and, more importantly, what exactly we all do in the after - life.  

I would like to still be able to have sex with my husband. I would also really like to still be able to use my vibrator, if at all possible. ( I think I can safely speak for my husband on this one, that he would really like me to be able to use it also)

See, I am afraid of being the one to die first, and, ironically, am also afraid of being the one to be left behind, if my husband would be to die first. So, first and foremost, I would really like to know how the whole death plan is going to go down. Secondly, and equally as important, the items you are allowed to bring with you are of great concern to me.

 Once I get there, I would like to know that I have packed  "satisfyingly"appropiately.  AND, if you are allowed the vibrator, are you allowed to bring two (different colors, different sizes, of course) ? 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Morning Run ( moments of solace)

Stepping off the curb, running round the bend, toes touching, heels suspended. Dreams so laden with sweat that I could easily drown in my own pool of intoxication. I slide my sneakers along the pavement, and speak in whispers to the birds. My sculpture tilts back in a red robin's playing of a saxophone, breath expanded so fully that my walls are bending outward to contain it. 

A voice tells me, to take a breath, release a breath, and then to hold in the stillness. In the opening between breaths the world opens wider, clear as glass, as the wind blows tracing the lines of my face. A pair of birds in full animation, escort me to the river's edge. I am inside and out, and outside and in, all in the same breath. 

In reckless abandon my sneakers launch onto an isolated path, enclosed in a frosty morning cold  that settles like rain upon my exposed flesh. I think I hear the air move, steadily fluttering across my back.  

My sneakers mirror the split of my own indecision, turn right, or sway left? In the science of survival it is the acceptance of the reality of life, that pricks at my sneakers like the tip of a razor pressing against my skin. Another morning run.......traces of footprints left in the snow.........

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just Saying

there is really something nifty and girlish in bikinis, sandals, sundresses and tan lines

Life's Imperfections

Finding a way to heal what seems totally broken is the precise imperfections of life and relationships, again and again, doubt is a creature that lurks at our door, and, again and again, we all fear it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Process of Adulthood

 Part of growing up (and I do mean the growing up that ONLY takes place in your adult years, not the years it takes reaching your adult years) is leaving things behind. You move on without them. Houses you have lived in, cities you now, live in no longer, people who become, people you use to know, making space for people you now know, simply by virtue of the fact that you have moved on. That life moves on, taking all of us along with it. I think we leave traces of ourselves behind in these such places, these such people, some holding so much emotional charge that you can barely stand to think about them any longer, yet, you know, they are never quite lost from you. We leave pieces of ourselves behind, traces of where we were, who we were.... snapshots of a process!

After Domestic Violence Fucks with you (you learn to trust & love again)

He had envisaged the next chapter of his life like a second honeymoon, a time for second chances. I listened to him, tears running down my face in the dark. He was saying everything down to the very word that I had always dreamed of hearing. Still, I found it hard to let go, and accept this new person into my life. It was hard to accept that he would not be anger filled, as that is all I had ever known. I knew marriage to be hateful, hurting, and angry.

It was all there, the gentleness, the commitment, the generosity, the unadulterated adoration for me. I longed for the weight of him in my arms. He longed for the sweet smell of my skin, my flesh, my bones, the sensation of him pressing down through me, for that unmistakable purest sensual completeness with me.

I no longer wanted the pain of emptiness, the sullen tears of a barren scarred existence. There was no way to let him go, or, at the same time, to allow him to stay. Recognizing that I would regret it for the rest of my life, I finally held onto him, opening him up to my secrets. One by one, out they came. In him, I found the explanation to everything I had ever questioned. 

Things that were too sad, too difficult, now fell like a folded deck of cards from me. He touched my cheek, biting my lip, I fought back the tears. After awhile, I slowly allowed him to push into me, baring my secrets, and now, the firmness of my breasts. Every evening, I found it harder and harder to leave. Mechanically, putting my toothbrush on the shelf above the bathroom basin, starring through the window, I thought, not of yesterday, but of a world wind of tomorrows.

 Every time I attempted to reconcile the past, it silenced me. How my silence of the past, had further suffered me. Maybe this time I opened up to this new love, because it had simply become too much for me to bear.

I had driven away so fast from my old life, once I found the exit ramp, that drivers brandished me with their middle fingers, pedestrians scooted aside me  in terror. My face, now, less haggard, less ashen. In the old life, was always that hand on my wrist? It was always frozen, its cold touch seeping through me like ice. It became my secret, a secret I never turned the page from. 

How I resented my old life for all that it was, for all that it had sheltered me from. How I often sat in a cycle of silence, of terror, continuing the self - inflicted suffering. How I grew stronger only by the letting go of the horror, only, in the letting in of a perfect stranger... whom, not long after, became my second husband...
After Domestic Violence fucked with me, I had to learn to trust again, to allow myself enough calm to not compare a new relationship to the suffering I had been exposed to first time around. It was when I met the person that everything just rolled off of, that my abject terror of loving again disappeared. 

It was not something I needed to try to make happen, or conspire to control, it simply happened. The terror melted away all on it's own. I am a poster child for many things, but, more importantly for other women of domestic - violence - ridden - marriages, I represent that it is possible to fall in love again, that there are men out there not full of rage and anger, but rather, love, affection and hope........I found such a man, and then I married him. 
This is not to say that things in the night still don't stir at me, but when I wake in the night, I am reminded that the person now laying beside me, is no longer the same person who physically hurt me. Those days are over.....

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Possessions & Pondering

All of my possessions help me to remember things, moments, which are unforgettable. The smell of sea salt on seaweed, the way my roses perch in the morning, the way each rock is as heavy as my burdens, yet the color of them is what makes them unique, even beautiful. 

Thoughts are pressed like ice cubes against my lips, when they are too naive to come to conclusion they evaporate, like a glass of water in desert heat, like the undoing of burdens held in my bones, like a glass of bourbon on Hemingway's desk. The thoughts evaporate, and exactly then, is when I know, it is once again, time to write. I pull all of the papers from my trash can, smooth out the wrinkles in the sketch of my words, hurl a pencil between my teeth, and then, ponder every thought I have ever had.....writing for me, is therapy!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Snow Go Away.....for god's sake, leave me alone already!

New York has become the polar vortex for me this winter. I am wearing my bikini while blogging today, just because I have turned up the house thermostat to 82, and slathered on sunscreen while painting my toenails pink..... I am damn well going to be all set and primed when summer arrives this year.......don't want to waste one minute haveing to get ready once it arrives. Some people may never see snow in their lifetime, why can't I be one of those people? The siberia I have been living in, called New York, is really, really beginning to become painful to me! My skin is so dry this year from the cold that I have bought out the  entire stock of left over Victoria Secret  creams and lotions from Christmas for $3 each ( and that picture, there are ten more jars / bottles in another bathroom closet).......and I still do not know if it will be enough to bring my skin back to life. I was contemplating ingesting one such bottle, to work my skin from inner to outer, to really get a bust up on hydration.  I want my feet in flip flops in the worst possible way!!!!

My Recluse Neighbor

From facing your past to finding your passion, in candid interview, life is always revealing itself, feeling as though I have been caught in a rainstorm out in the wilderness, as I search for my umbrella, it suddenly becomes overrated, for I am already soaking wet.

 Plunging into a studious survey of my life, the walls now holding the music from the piano man whom lives next door to me. The music adding an intoxicating charm. The piano man only talks to me when he feels obliged to, although I purposefully attempt to oblige him, every chance I get. 

I can feel his annoyance with me pulse all the way up to my front steps. Mostly our run - ins are when he is walking to the end of his driveway for his morning paper, the New York Times. I think he thinks of me as unnerving, the New York Times has nothing in it, in comparison to the list of dialogue of life adventures written inside of me. 

I imagine him pouring cognac into a glass every evening as he peruses that same paper from the morning. I imagine a smoking jacket, but no smoke. I imagine caviar beds on tiny crackers, and some invisible person playing a violin as he nibbles on the crackers. They would have to be bland stone white crackers, water crackers. 

I imagine, boring, as the piano begins playing again, and I sit on my sofa up close to the wall nearest his house, and I listen, to the purring of the music through my walls. I listen, to the recluse life that lives next door to me....and the piano never stops playing........and I, I never stop swaying to the sound of the keys, as his fingers play the lullabies!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Bedroom View into Summer

An antique wooden desk chair sits perched next to my bed, stacks of books piled upon it, and on the floor, stacks of my antique jewelry, beads, and gems perched on a two tier dessert stand, a few bottles of jasmine and lavender oil sit on my dresser. From the candle sconces hung on my wall, hangs the newest beaded vintage dress, yet to be worn. From time to time I often think my bedroom resembles a postcard from some far-flung place in Paris. 

The lace adorns the window; big, bold taupe pullbacks languish from gold cord opening the lace to the backyard view. Green moist grass, and weeping roses cross just beyond the patio, (except in winter, bbrrhhh) and then, a shutter from birds in flight. The sun has all but set a fire to my parsley, basil, and mint pots, (except, again,in winter, bbrrhhh) as the varied shades of green overflow from each pot, almost draping the floor of the brick patio. 

Prodding my breasts into the delicate black lace camisole I have chosen, brandishing one last long look in the freestanding antique mirror, I sashay across my bedroom, and begin my day.........

I can smell the parsley and can almost, if I close my eyes tight enough, taste the basil set over mozzarella drizzled with the glass pitcher, mint leaves in cucumber water.........I know my senses are close to all these tastes and smells, if only just past the horrors of this remaining winter, and, as I close my eyes even tighter I can feel the tendril scent of my  backyard roses as they catch my nose...... May and June, where are you? I hope you are not far behind.......

Monday, February 3, 2014

I'm a Big Girl Now

I’ve done a round-table introduction just about every week since I moved here. After my name, I say where I’m from. It’s the natural next step in these kinds of “tell us a bit about yourself” prompts. I’m Kiley Quinn and I’m from Cold Spring, NY. The kind of crowds you find at a bar, or a Domestic Violence Survivor round up meeting. I always use my pen name, I talk better under the disguise.

To describe myself, I’m left with words like “once was” and “not quite,” words that hint at incompleteness. They mean that I’ve lost, or gained (something) – what exactly, I’m not sure yet. Perhaps it is my sense of place of self, of purpose, my sense of belonging and furthered sense of now becoming. I always talk to the crowd,

I am not quite sure, on many days, what day it actually is anymore. One day seems to blend into the next, until they all just flow as one continuance one. I would know it was Wednesday if I were still 7, however. I would know it was Wednesday because I would be wearing my day-of-the-week underwear and I exactly remember how dutifully I relied on my unmentionables to celebrate the passage of my days. But, I am all grown up now, and my days of the week have turned to a bit sexier lacier ones. I liked the days of the week ones though; they kept me on track, even on those hazy crazy days.
I don’t know that I was 7 for sure. They didn’t make undergarments for that sort of thing.
I said I had wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I would sit on the radiator and scribble out words, my siblings, probably playing basketball, or bike riding at the neighbor’s house like normal children. I liked to read Nancy Drew and eat treats littered with high fructose corn syrup, while writing with a Red Paper Mate on blank journal pages.(I have long since tossed the high fructose syrup diet and taken up running and yoga and water and cranberry juice upteen years ago) In my own state of mentality I thought the red pen was elegant, sexy even by the time I became a teenager. Black and blue just seemed so dull, so unerringly unfeminine. Surprise to say so though, no, I never felt the same dullness for my day of the week undergarments. (They kept me in check, on schedule.)

I have, eventually, as you know, become a writer. A writer whom also has given up her day of the week undergarments. That is a contributing factor as to why I may not always know what day it is anymore. But, for sure, I am sitting not knowing it in black lace bikini, or a midnight blue lace boy short.
It hadn’t occurred to me that this ever mattered. Now, it has occurred to me, how could anything else ever matter as much?
What you wear as undergarments always matters. It even alters your outlook on life. (turns out perspective looks better in shades of cutting dramatic lace)

Somewhere between being dutiful about my days of the week, and walking into a Victoria Secret store, I grew up. I knew I wanted to live my life for what mattered, for someone who mattered.
Someone like myself. I tossed those days of the week undergarments, and loaded those same dresser draws with the sheerness of lace, lots and lots of lace, red lace, white and black lace, pink lace, lace boy shorts, g strings, bikinis, polka dots, stripes, little tiny bows tied on the sides......and, oh my good god, a pair of midnight blue lace boyshorts that just take the know, the ones that are the cheekiest of kinds....

My undergarments truly shape the way I present myself as a woman, as the new inspired happy soul that I have become.
Born of the hustle and bustle, and blatant insanity of my infamous family. I have surpassed it all. What I refer to as a train wreck of a first marriage, yup, that too, has come and gone, finally.

Here I still stand, living in the everything after of Domestic Violence and dysfunctional family. Living in all of the grownup, that I have now longer with living in days of the week underwear or training bras!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lost My Mind

Half my mind is now gone, I think somewhere around the corner of Main Street.....directly up from the train station.  If you should find it, please deposit it in the lost and found, and I will pick it up later. The half that remains with me, is the part of contentment, my only purposeful need for today! AND, damn those Ground Hogs, Phil and Chuck! Someone invite those two to a Superbowl Party and change their minds.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Love Can Fuck With You....

 Human relating is sloppy and the sad fact is that much of it never ultimately makes sense. Whether relationships are historic or enduring; whether they are romantic, family, familiar or with friends . . . chances are you might never totally get what they were as you look back or how to operate successfully within them moving forward. And this, I have found, can actually be good news, OR, it can fuck with you, for a longer period of time then you had ever thought possible.

The simple truth is, there are things you never get over. Things that break you to pieces, that reshape you, you are never again, the original shape you once were, and so you grieve your own death with the sum of all of your losses. You bottle them up inside yourself, placing a cork firmly into your neck to keep them all from resurfacing, as they sometimes do, at the most inopportune moments of your days, for all of us. 

I think yes, we do survive breakups and divorces, and friendship melt downs. Among the most important things we endeavor to do over the course of our lives is love other people, and so it follows that what can fuck us up the most is whether those fucks actually love us back. This drama is far more likely to shape you, fuck with you, keep you up at night howling at the moon, keep you in bed in the morning without any more tears left to cry, make you damn right crazy, rock your world, devastate you and spur you to do some of the greatest / worst things you'll ever do, more than most anything else you will ever experience in life. It's true, so very, very true! I have tried and tested this quandry, and it is the most unbelievably truest statement of command there is.
When you endeavor to love someone, anyone, and they do not love you back, it fucks with you, plain and simple, no other way to be said.